Chapter 8

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I ran into something-- well someone. 


"Emma!" He exclaims, hugging my wolf form. 

I turn human and hug him. 

"I'm so sorry." He whispers as I tuck my face into his neck. 

"It wasn't your fault." I respond, pulling away. 

Bob and Sasha are standing close together, Carol and Daryl are doing the same. 

Rick is holding Judith, his eyes are finally shining with happiness.

I grinned. 

"Help!! Help!!" I hear someone scream. 

I look around. 

"Dad! Come on!" Carl urges, before him and Rick run off after the sound. 

I follow them, pulling my knife out of my boot. 

Someone is on a rock, (wearing a black suit) with about ten walkers surrounding the rock. 

Well, I think it would be considered a boulder, judging by the size of it. 

I stab my knife through two of the walkers heads, while Carl and Rick take care of the rest.

The guy slides down the side of the rock, and I shift uncomfortably. 

On his collar was one of those little white things, the ones that preachers wear. 

"Thank you, thank you!" He gasps, ducking his head down in gratitude. 

I blinked at him.

"What's your name?" Carl asks. 

"Gabriel." He responds, looking around insecurely. 

"I'm Carl, and this is my dad Rick, and my girlfriend, Emma." He gestures to me. 

My icy blue eyes narrowed. 

"Why didn't you kill them?" I ask, my eyes flickering to the walker bodies.

"Because I prayed to the Lord for help. And I did get help." Gabriel said. 

I nodded. "Do you have a group?" Rick asks. 

"No, do you?" 

As if on cue, the rest of the group walks up.

"Yeah." I smirk. 

"Do you have a place to stay?" Gabriel asks. 

We all shake our heads. "Do you?"

And that's how we came upon the church.


Rick and Gabriel were talking, and I was sitting with Carl, looking blankley at my food. 

"Hey," Carl bumped me with his shoulder. 

I look up at him. 

"Are you sure that you're okay?"

I shrugged. "Eh. I'm still a bit in shock." I say. 

Carl wraps his arm around my shoulder, but I take no notice of it. 

*** (A/N: I cant remember if they spend one night in the church before they go into town... sorry for mistakes!)

We all drift into sleep, planning things for the next day. 

Once we wake up, we all set out into town, looking for supplies. 

I walked into a store, with the group. 

Once we walked in, a rank smell hit my nose. 

I coughed, and, since I'm a werewolf, the smell is much stronger than normal.

I pulled my shirt over my nose. 

"Sorry," Carl muttered. 

"It's not your fault." I answer.

Michonne looks around, before I notice a hole in the floor, and a snarling sound coming from inside. 

I walk up carefully, testing the floor before I put my foot down. 

Everyone followed me, and I leaned forwards a bit, to see about fifteen walkers stumbling around in  water.

"What the hell happened?" I ask. 

"The water pipes probably busted when tthis started," Michonne observed, "So  they're all decaying and waterlogged. And they've been in there since this started, probably." 

"Eww." I gagged. 

Suddenly the floor creaked, and we all fell down into the hole. 

In an instant, I had my knife out, and was sliding it through the skull of one. 

Gabriel was cowering in the corner. 

A walker stumbled towards him. 

He's gonna have to learn to defend himself. I think with a sigh.

I leap forwards anyway, and slice the head off. 

"You have to defend yourself! In a world like this, you need to!" I growl, before pushing my knife through another. 

really decayed walker comes out of nowhere, and the walker and Bob go down. 

It's a short fight, and Bob finally kills the walker, and standing up and sighing. 

We all stand there for a minute, processing what had just happened.

"Maybe we should get out of here?" I suggest quietly. 

We all get out. 

We get what we need, and we go back to the church. 

I, of course, sit next to Carl. 

"Can you turn into a wolf? I haven't petted an animal in a while." Carl asks. 

I nodded, and turned into a wolf and put my head on Carl's lap.

Gabriel didn't notice me, so I remained the way I was. 

Carl stroked behind my ears, and I actually enjoyed it. 

"I'll be right back," I hear Bob say, and I twist my ears around to listen. 

He walks outside, and I hear sobbing.

What the hell? 

I hear a thud, and a dragging noise, but I take no notice of it. 

After thirty minutes, I smell something... bad. 

I sniff, and it smells like...

burning flesh? 

"We're sorry, Bob. We weren't gonna seperate you from your little group... but they took our home away from us. At first, it didn't involve cannibalism, but now.... let's just say that you taste better than we expected." 

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