Chapter 22.

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Chapter 22.


As soon as his lips met mine, it felt as though lava had seared through our connected lips and shot down my spine. It ran through my veins like a drug, having me in a Zach induced hallucination. My body was scorching, the heat licking underneath the surface of my skin, rewarding me for finally gifting it with what it's been craving.

His lips are softer than I imagined, feeling as though they've been wrought out of foam. They moved against mine so naturally, driving me insane. I lift up my wrists and he allows me, cradling his face in my cold hands. His face is heated, and warm, most likely pink in color. He balances his weight on his elbows, and I try to pull him as close as he can come. I didn't know how badly I needed this.

I could feel his hesitance as his tongue traces my bottom lip. I open my mouth and gladly allow him entrance. When his tongue touched mine, my heart dropped into my stomach leaving a dense longing for more, more, more. I could taste the strawberry kiwi juice he was previously drinking. Time slows and stop, then rewinds to bring me back to this moment. I'm awakened in a way I never thought possible.

He rolls my bottom lip between his with such skill, it's like he knows how to get me screaming internally. This is better than Bentley could ever do. I heard a deep rumble come from his throat as he massages his tongue against mine. Did he just moan?

I can't help the laugh that slips out. I can't believe we're doing this. After four years of knowing this kid, I'm making out with his face on my kitchen floor. My smile breaks the kiss. I didn't open my eyes as he slightly pulled away, but since my hands are still holding his face, I could feel him smiling. I leaned my head back onto the floor and laughed again.

"Oh my god." He said, snuggling his head between my shoulder and my neck, laughing along with me. I release my hands from holding his face, opening my eyes and looking down at him. He lifts his head and I can clearly see the redness spread evenly throughout his face. His lips are red and already swollen, making me want to kiss them again.

I don't know how I found the energy to speak, but somehow I did because I asked, "D-did," I paused knowing I was probably smiling like an idiot, "did we really just do that?" He smiles shyly, and nods. His eyes glance down to my lips one more time. He once again nuzzled his face into my neck.

"I actually really liked that." He mumbled, and I can see his blush growing deeper. I can feel my own face forming a nice shade of pink.

Our moment was ruined when the timer on the stove went off, signaling my noodles were done boiling. He sighed into my neck, making it erupt with goosebumps. Zach looks at at me again, and he smiles, his dimples popping out.

He leans up, placing a kiss on my forehead. The simple gesture makes my body lean into him, trying to catch any last bit of his attention. He smiled again, I don't think I've ever seen him smile so many times in a short time span, and bit his lip, trying to hold it down.

"You're so damn cute." He whispered, eyes locked on my lips. This is so unlike him.

"Stop," laughing as say it, and lean my head back. "You're weird like this." I'm so used to us being playful and teasing not him blushing and calling me cute. I cursed myself for wondering how many other girls have seen this side of him.

The timer for the noodles rang again, desperately wanting attention. I somewhat push Zach off of me by his chest, but he mostly got up on his own. He offers a hand to help me up, but I refuse it. I get up by myself, the thought of how many girls he's kissed completely ruining the moment we just had. When I stand, my hands are shaking and my knees are wobbling. I've never felt like this before.

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