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hiya !! so, this is my second book ever and here's the wonderful prologue !! i hope you enjoy this :-)

*ೃ new neighbours *ೃ

jaebum stared out his bedroom window and at the scenery below. he saw a guy moving boxes in and out of a house. it was currently june 8th and the boy was on his computer when he noticed someone moving into the abandoned home next to his. he hoped he didn't have to introduce himself to them. it would be awkward considering jaebum wasn't looking to see anyone.

as he was mentally praying that he didn't have to introduce himself, his roommate, hana, burst into his room. he stared at her with squinted eyes, "you know there's a little thing that's called knocking. i think you should get used to it as it seems that you're not familiar with the concept."

hana sarcastically knocked on the open door which caused jaebum to roll his eyes. when the male went to continue his browsing, he started getting dragged by his ear. "yah!" he started, "don't forget who's hyung here!"

"come on! i wanna meet our new neighbor." hana exclaimed. she hurried to put her shoes on and fixed her hair at the same time. jaebum shook his head in disgust and put on his shoes. he opened the door and let the small girl out first before closing the door and following.

jaebum stayed behind his best friend as they walked up to the man. he had on a white t-shirt and was sweating so much you could see his abs underneath. while jaebum was imagining himself drowning in the pool of hana's drool, he didn't even notice hana pointing to him so he could speak. when he introduced himself and the man did too, "hello, i'm jackson. jackson wang."

jaebum secretly rolled his eyes as he saw hana practically melt at the smile on his face. he knew he was gonna hear it all once they got in the house. jackson chuckled at his effect on her. he could tell that her friend, jaebum, was annoyed from the way he rolled his eyes. he thought it was lowkey, but jackson definitely caught him. he cleared his throat before smiling widely, "my friend lives here too, but they're busy inside so sorry, they can't come out. now i should be going, goodbye."

jackson walked away and disappeared inside the house and left the two outside. jaebum speed walked his way into the house and up into his room. he sat in his desk and looked out of his open window to see someone in the room in the house across from his. all he could see was their legs and their skirt. his eyes widened as he realized that jackson's friend was not a guy, but a girl. what if they're dating? maybe i should warn hana, the man thought, but quickly decided against it because what if they're not dating? his eyes widened in realization as his thoughts suddenly changed. he groaned and put his head in his hands. why'd she have to pick that room? jaebum thought, now i can't do anything anymore with my window open.

he was about to keep thinking about the cons of this situation when he choked on his spit at the revealed sight. it wasn't a girl who was with the skirt, but actually a male. his eyes bulged out of his head like the cartoons and without thinking he called out to him, "yah!"

the guy looked up confused before brightly smiling when he caught sight of the owner of the loud voice that called out to him, "hi, mister!"

"what are you doing?!" jaebum exclaimed, "what's up with the skirt? are you a girl? no! it's wrong!" jaebum finished. the boy looked down before looking back up and smiling, "it's great to know we both have different opinions! have a nice day, sir."

the curtain to the house closed and jaebum stared at it. the 20-year-old let out a frustrated sigh and shook his head. the boy has to learn to not wear skirts like it's nothing. especially the short kind. he'll teach him, and he'll learn, sooner or later.


warnings: bad language and probably a lot of innuendos

hi again !! this story is basically about cross-dressing youngjae and a slightly homophobic jaebum who gets turned gay by youngjae !! youngjae's gonna be super innocent in this btw and there's a four year age difference. also, jackson is youngjae's uncle (if that makes sense)

updating schedule: whenever i can lmaoo

enjoy !!


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