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hi !! so more and more i'm starting to notice how i don't have anything to write about here. sorry lmaoo. anyways, let's get it on !! (aAAAAAAHHHHH BABY)

*ೃ no more hiding *ೃ

jaebum woke up in a totally different room and looked around. he scratched his head before realizing where he was at. he smiled and remembered how he cuddled youngjae all night. he would like to do that everyday, but he knew he couldn't.

jaebum got up and ventured out of youngjae's room. he stood at the top of the staircase and listened to what was going on downstairs. he grinned before quietly going down and entering the kitchen. he chuckled softly at the given sight.

youngjae was listening to no no no by apink and shaking hips every "no no no". he was making a big breakfast for the two of them and currently flipping a pancake. youngjae flipped it in the pan and made the landing. he whisper-exclaimed, "yes!"

youngjae almost dropped the pan when he felt a pair of arms wrap around him. in a soothing voice, jaebum replied, "you did awesome, babe."

the teen smiled when he realized it was just jaebum. he put the pan down and turned around to face the elder. he spoke, "did you sleep well? i made breakfast, so we can start eating."

jaebum nodded and sat down. he thanked youngjae when the male put a plate of food in front of him. youngjae sat in front of him and started to eat. the couple laughed and joked around until both were finished. youngjae took the plates and told jaebum to go brush his teeth with the extra toothbrush he had in his bathroom draw. jaebum pouted as he didn't wanna leave youngjae, but he obeyed anyway.


jaebum came back down and youngjae turned around when he heard him enter. he went up to him and held his hands behind his back as he rocked from his toes to his heels. jaebum smirked as he noticed what the younger wanted. he chuckled and spoke, "do you wanna give daddy a kiss?"

youngjae blushed at the nickname jaebum gave himself and hid his red face in his hands. jaebum moved youngjae's hands away and continued smirking while lifting his head up. he spoke, "i know you heard me, princess. do you wanna give daddy a kiss?"

"i didn't think you referred to yourself like that. i didn't even think you wanted me to call you that. anyways, to answer your question, yes." youngjae replied. jaebum nodded and youngjae started standing on his tippy-toes to reach him. jaebum played hard to get and kept moving his face away from the shorter.

youngjae pouted as he couldn't reach his lips. jaebum laughed and he quickly picked the younger up, holding onto his butt. he puckered up and allowed youngjae to wrap his arms around his neck and kiss him. he kissed the younger two times and bit his lip before started to make out with the younger. youngjae gasped into the kiss and let jaebum explore with his tongue.

jaebum pushed the younger against the kitchen wall, holding youngjae while using the wall and holding a strong grip on his butt. he then switched to laying the male on the kitchen counter, pushing random condiments to the side. youngjae lightly ran his hands up and down jaebum's exposed chest. he gave him a shirt, but he doesn't know where it went. honestly, the younger couldn't care less as it allowed him to be closer to his boyfriend without being that sexual. just yet.

youngjae's hands traveled to jaebum's hair and he ran his fingers through the floppy mess. jabum groaned when youngjae slightly tugged on his hair and he let his hands go further down until they were resting on the younger's hip. he broke away from the kiss and earned a little whine from his boyfriend. he chuckled, "i know, but could i just go a little further?"

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