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hi hi !! this chapter might just be a filler, i don't know. i'm trying to make it seem like i know where i'm taking this book, but i actually don't so bear with me. enjoy now !!

*ೃ the morning after *ೃ

jaebum woke up with a massive headache and no memory of last night. he was about to get up when he noticed himself holding a figure in his arms. wait, the male trailed off, did i take someone home? no, that can't be true. but then again, i really don't remember. maybe i did? jaebum hesitantly looked at the face of the unknown body to be met with a shock. it was in fact not a girl, but his next door neighbor. he was about to scream when suddenly all the air left his body as he stared at the sight before him.

youngjae slept peacefully with a little pout and a relax look. it took everything in jaebum for him to not run his fingers through youngjae's soft hair. he let his eyes trail down and he noticed how soft and small the younger looked in his obviously too big shirt. he picked up his hand and caressed youngjae's face with his knuckles, taking in the royal sight before him. he sighed, "so pretty."

after doing that for sometime, he noticed what he was doing and hopped away. he then started shaking the teen, "yah! wake up!"

youngjae woke up with a startle and stared with wide eyes at his neighbour. why was he yelling at him? youngjae was about to speak when jaebum started to continuously yell at him. youngjae quickly got rid of his nice exterior and cut jaebum off, "hey, shut up! nothing even happened last night between us and i'm glad nothing did. if that were to happen to me, i would want someone else to do it. definitely not you, okay?"

jaebum nodded, hiding the fact that it secretly hurt him. he doesn't know why it hurt, but it just did. he brushed those feeling away and went to his closet. he picked out and outfit before disappearing in the bathroom to change and clean up. when he came out the bathroom he found his room to be empty. he nodded in content and decided to lay back in his bed until he felt like leaving.

jaebum doesn't know when, but he somehow dozed off for a few minutes. he only awoken again when he smelled breakfast being made. he quickly got up because he knew if he didn't, hana would've greedily ate his food also. he slipped on some shoes too because after breakfast he was gonna go and buy some stuff for painting. after being finished with that, he took his phone, wallet, keys, and left his room.

as the male bounced down the steps, he expected to see hana cooking, but instead saw youngjae. "wait," jaebum started, "how did you get back inside?" he finished. youngjae smiled and explained how he went to grab his charger and came back through his window when he was sleeping. jaebum nodded and went to the fridge to get some orange juice. as he turned around he felt a weight fall on top of him and cause him to stumble back.

it took jaebum a few to take in the scene. youngjae's long arms seemed to extended behind jaebum and looked like they were wrapped around him. jaebum had dropped his orange juice in order to clutch onto youngjae's hips. the boys chests were pressed together and their faces dangerously close. youngjae held his breath and stared at his hyung with wide eyes. jaebum did the same towards the dongsaeng.

hana came downstairs scratching her butt. she switched to scratching her head as she walked into the kitchen to see an unexpected sight. she gasped a little too loudly, causing the males to snap back into reality. jaebum shoved the younger away and quickly grabbed his fallen juice. he glared at youngjae, causing him to blush wildly and hang his head in shame. why was this always happening to him?

hana smirked at the pair before going over and grabbing a full plate of food. she waited until both boys grabbed their food and sat down to come over. she chuckled as a thought came into her mind. she turned to youngjae, "what's your name?"

youngjae stopped chewing on his bacon to quickly swallow it and stand up. he bowed towards the elder while speaking, "my name is choi youngjae. noona, i live right next door."

hana nodded and smiled, "excuse me, youngjae sweetheart, but can we switch seats? i'd really love to sit on this one person side so i can have the most room. you're small, so you'd fit perfect next to jaebum."

youngjae stared at her in disbelief. did she not see how awkward it is right now? but, of course, youngjae was born with manners so he gave a small smile and nodded. he took his food and strawberry milk and sat next to jaebum. he noticed he was still wearing jaebum's shirt, so he started playing with the bottom of it. while youngjae did that, jaebum gave a death glare to his roommate. why the fuck did she do that?

"so," hana cleared her throat, "what happened last night? i heard some strange noises coming from there. especially in the bathroom." she finished. jaebum choked on meat as he was still confused as to what happened last night himself. youngjae, being the only one who can clearly recite the whole night, quickly swallowed his eggs and drank his milk.

after downing the milk, he smiled politely and spoke, "n-nothing happened. also i'm only wearing his shirt because i took a shower. nothing happened and i'm definitely still pure. i promise."

hana sighed before mumbling a small "sadly." which caused jaebum to hop out his seat and drag youngjae out of his seat. youngjae yelped in pain as a sharp pain sensed in his shoulder. he was shoved outside, told to go home, and had the door slammed in his face. youngjae fell on the concrete floor and grunted, signalling he was in pain. as jaebum didn't come back out to see if the younger was okay, he held back tears before getting up and dragging himself across to his home.

he walked through his front door to see a mess. the house was dirty with beer cans lying around. he found his uncle and jinyoung laying together on the big sofa they have. he smiled at the sight before getting a bag to clean up the cans. he finished and then dumped them all in the correct recycling bin. after that, he hurried upstairs and into his room.

happy with being in his own bedroom, youngjae hopped onto his unmade bed and snuggled into it. he plugged his phone up and once it lit up, he knew it was charging. he put it down and climbed under his covers. he decided to fall asleep, where hopefully he could forget this whole day. as the male dozed off, he silently hoped and prayed to forget it.

this was weird, he didn't like him, he liked mark. but, he couldn't help but get nervous and all flustered when around jaebum. he didn't like this. he was meant for mark and mark only. he could swear that mark felt the same way, but who was he kidding? mark wouldn't like him, he's probably just toying with him.

youngjae pouted and opened his eyes. he went on his phone and look at a new picture mark posted. he frowned as he saw all the polite and some explicit comments. he felt tears come to his eyes, "why don't you like me, mark hyung? what do i have to do to get you to like me?"

and with that, youngjae closed his phone and fell asleep with tear stained cheeks, a hurt heart, and a confused mind.


hewwo !! did you have fun reading?? i didn't put much effort in this, sorry. i didn't feel like it since i've been lazy all day and i barely wanted to update lmaoo.

anyways,, guess what !! i'm going to kcon la on august 20th !! i'm so happy because all the people i like is gonna be there !! i actually don't like kard but whatever they're chill. i'm gonna try to me some youtubers and see if i can find some idols walking around. i'm gonna be trying the random play dance and if you're going and see me, don't make fun !! also if you're going, we should meet up, hang out, and you can give me loads of compliments on my writing so i write better. sorry, i just love compliments, even though i'll just push them away and not believe them. well, what can i say !!

anywho, lemme get going so bye bye bbies !! follow my instagram and snapchat if you want pictures from the time im in los angeles (insta: @/silver.tama and sc: @/zhemistry if anyone's wondering) !!


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