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hey there !! let me let y'all know that this chapter, chapter six, and chapter seven go hand in hand. like stuff'll happen here and then the rest would be in the next. does it make sense?? well, it should. now, *yugyeom's voice* lets start the game

*ೃ unexpected breakups *ೃ

jaebum looked inside the small cafe and smiled when he saw his girlfriend, nayeon, there. he frowned upon seeing another girl sitting with her. who was she? jaebum brushed it off and walked in, smiling wide. it was her first time in like forever being home. jaebum was so excited to see her.

"hey babe." jaebum said before leaning down to kiss her. nayeon turned her head away and sighed. jaebum furrowed his eyebrows in confusion before sitting down. he looked between nayeon and the girl before asking, "what's going on?"

nayeon looked up at the girl with short, blonde hair and waited for her approval. the girl nodded and nayeon sniffled as she tried to hold the tears in. she was glad it was late at night and not a lot of people were there. it would've been embarrassing if everyone were to witness it. when nayeon was sure she wouldn't cry she looked at jaebum, but as soon as she did that, tears started rapidly falling. she choked out, "i'm sorry jaebum. i didn't mean to do this, but this is jeongyeon, i girl i met when she was studying abroad. she gives me everything i need, and you don't. you've always seem a bit distant, so i couldn't help myself. she's my girlfriend now, and i know how you feel about the whole homosexual thing, but i'm sorry jaebum this is me. please accept me. please."

nayeon broke down crying in jeongyeon's lap. she gently ran her fingers through her hair and looked up at jaebum. she took a deep breath before speaking, "i'm sorry, but we have to go. i hope you have a nice day, and a nice life. i'm sorry we had to meet for the first time like this, but i hope there's no harsh feelings."

jaebum bit his lip and put his head down. he figured the girls left when it got quiet around him. he sniffled back tears before grabbing his head and letting out a frustrated groan. he came back up again and grabbed his phone. he deleted nayeon's contact and then went to hana's. he texted her a short message about how he's not coming home anytime soon and to not wait up.

jaebum hit up his friend and decided to go partying with him. he needed something to get his breakup off his mind. especially that his girlfriend left him for another girl. sure, he did strongly believe that girl on girl relationships are hot (a/n: eW JAEBUM WHAT IM SORRY Y'ALL), but he didn't wanna be left like that. whatever, he thought, just forget her and party on. it didn't even matter anymore.

so, as soon as jaebum's phone buzzed and a party location popped up, he hurried in his car and drove off to the party where his only intentions were to get shit faced drunk and get laid.


oHHHHHH PLOT TWIST !!!!! YOU DIDN'T EXPECT ME TO INCLUDE MY TWO MOMS IN HERE RIGHT??? well, you should've bc i love incorporating twice into things lmaoo

also there's a big surprise next chapter so beware. can anyone guess what it is?? it involves 2jae and a ****** ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

anyways,, lemme go now. bye bye i wuv you !!

— angel

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