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SAY THE NAME (i swear if no one gets this there's gonna be a fight)

✩*ೃ the first day ✩*ೃ

it was now september 5th. youngjae tossed his phone away to the other side of his room as his annoying alarm went off. he really couldn't believe he had to start school. especially starting his 11th year in a whole new school. he felt his stomach already being filled with butterflies.

the male got up and grabbed his phone off the floor and actually turned the stupid thing off. he then proceeded to enter the bathroom and take a shower. after getting out, he washed his face and brushed his teeth. he dried his wet hair and left the bathroom after.

youngjae hummed to replay by shinee and slipped on some pastel colored underwear. they had pink sheer parts and cute little black bows. 

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youngjae lotioned his whole body with peach lotion and was satisfied with the smell of peach that filled the room. he went to his closet and picked out his new school uniform. they had allowed him to get the skirt one because the school didn't want to seem like they didn't accept him. it didn't matter, youngjae could've wore the pants one, but when he came to the open house in a skirt they gave him the option. and who would choose their legs being confined over them not? 

youngjae put on spandex short before slipping on the black skirt. he put on the shirt next and buttoned it up before tucking it in his skirt. he put on this black string tie that came with it and made sure it was straight. he checked himself out in the mirror after he finished dressing.

 he checked himself out in the mirror after he finished dressing

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youngjae tilted his head to the side and focused on the tie. this wasn't at my last school, he thought, but then again all schools aren't the same. especially private schools.

yes, youngjae was being sent to a private school. even though he looked and sounded dumb, he was really smart. youngjae had scored really high on his exams so he had to move out of the public school's curriculum since it was too low for him and be put in a really prestigious private school. youngjae was really happy that his brain actually did something, but that meant he wouldn't go to school with his only friends, bambam and yugyeom. it made his heart sad, but he couldn't do anything.

youngjae slipped on his black flats and put on a grey sweater and put his fully charged phone in one of the pockets. youngjae sat in front of his mirror and applied  little makeup. he put on eyeliner, blush, and some lip tint before tossing it into his to-go makeup bag and tossing it in his schoolbag. he packed his tote with his books and made his bed. he straightened out his room before turning off the light and trudging downstairs. 

he made himself a bagel and took out his schedule to look over. he had world geography, choir, japanese (as his english was perfect it's just his japanese was trash), lunch, study hall, geometry, science, and then literature. he nodded at it and stuffed it back in his folder. youngjae peacefully ate while scrolling through Instagram. he finished and washed his cup and plate.

jackson was already at work so all youngjae had to do was send a text to him to tell him he was leaving the house. jackson responded in under a minute wishing his nephew good luck at the school. youngjae smiled at the good wishes and proceeded to text his friends wishing them a good day. he got a bunch of crying emojis from yugyeom and crying memes from bambam. he sent of video of him face crying before giggling at the end of it and hitting send.

"coco!" youngjae hollered. a small dog came bustling from around the corner and barked excitedly at youngjae. youngjae peppered kisses all over her and said he'd see her later before hurrying out so she wouldn't follow. youngjae skipped down his front steps and started walking to the new school. he practiced introducing himself and made sure he didn't sound awkward and his voice didn't waver.

before he knew it, he was standing in the entrance while other students sped past him. youngjae bit his lip and pushed his hair back. he read the big letters.


(A/N is this legit a real school???? idk i chose a random name)

youngjae took a deep breath and entered the school, going to the administrative office since that was what he was instructed to do. he stood there and looked around. there was legit no one there except for one girl that was looking around, too. youngjae stopped staring at her and looked elsewhere.

youngjae was minded his own business until there was a tug at his sweater. he looked down to find the girl tugging on him. before he could question, she spoke, "are you choi youngjae?" youngjae nodded which caused her eyes to light up, "oh okay! well i'm park jihyo, the principal wants me to show you around. we have the same schedule because of that. let's go, come on! and you look good in that skirt."

suddenly youngjae was being dragged out the office and into the halls. he shyly thanked jihyo and blushed furiously. jihyo introduced youngjae to the teachers so he didn't have to speak that much. she even let him sit with her and her six other friends. they kept gushing about how cute he was and even a girl named sana squeezed his cheeks.

at the end of the day, youngjae had multiple numbers in his empty phone now (like seriously all he had was his mom, sister, jackson, jinyoung, jaebum, bambam, and yugyeom. now, he had all of those new numbers just in one day. he smiled widely at his phone and hurried to pack.

when the bell rung, youngjae went to his piano lessons and after, he went to vocal lessons. youngjae returned home late that night and walked in on jackson and jinyoung eating pizza. youngjae quickly ran and started stuffing his face as he was starving. the adults laughed at the teen and questioned him about his day, surprised he had a mouthful of things to say.

after eating, youngjae ended off his night with studying and sending sweet goodnight messages to jaebum.

(hhh wattpad's being weird and it wont let me make my usual author's note and at the top where i put the title in the middle i can't do that either. it looks weird. anyways i just wanna say i luv u n my crush is a prick)

(p.s i didn't proofread anything so sorry for mistakes i'm too lazy)

(estaba demasiado ocupado chupando la polla de youngjae mwah mwah)

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