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guess who's back, back again, layla's back, with a new chapter. sooo.... this chapter might be type wildt, but you gotta read it to know what i'm talking about. enjoy !! also i really couldn't wait to post this chapter so i'm double updating. be excited !!

*ೃ drunk nights with a side of touching *ೃ

youngjae was outside letting his dog coco do her business when he noticed a car crookedly pull up in next door's driveway. he titled his head to the side in confusion and noticed that coco was doing it to. he cleared his throat and stopped doing it. he was going to question who was inside, but then he noticed jaebum get out and car and stumble around. he gasped before telling coco to run inside when she's done. he watched her run into the house and he ran towards jaebum.

he got there in enough time to shove jaebum backwards so he wouldn't fall and bust his head open on the pavement. he wrapped his arm around jaebum's waist and held his arm over his shoulders. he started dragging him up the steps to his house and leaned him against the house. he dug into his pockets in search for his house keys because of course they would be there. jaebum giggled, "oh, aren't you impatient? we're not even inside yet."

youngjae stared at a smiley jaebum in confusion. what's that suppose to mean? he ignored it and found his keys. he tested all of them out before being able to unlock both and get inside. youngjae struggled terribly, but he eventually was able to drag the male upstairs and into his bedroom. he didn't know how he found it so quick, but boy, was he glad.

youngjae decided to leave jaebum in his private bathroom so he could take a shower. he sat him in there and was about to leave when jaebum grabbed his hand. youngjae turned around and looked at him with questioning eyes. jaebum bit his lip, "shower with me."

the sixteen year old's eyes widened, "eh?!" he exclaimed. he wasn't going to do that with his twenty year old neighbour. he's heard bambam and yugyeom talking, and he knows what happens when people shower together. he was about to decline when jaebum pulled him into his lap and rested his hands on the holds of youngjae's thin waist. he looked up at him through his hair and spoke, "c'mon baby, please?"

youngjae doesn't know what happened, but all he knew he was standing naked in front of jaebum. he felt highly uncomfortable as jaebum's eyes wouldn't stop hungrily looking the younger up and down. youngjae hurried to start the water and allowed jaebum to get in first. he made the elder swear to not look at him. when he was sure he wouldn't be stared at, he climbed in front of jaebum and turned to back to him. he started washing, trusting in jaebum to not stare.

when he was cleaning his back, he felt his cleaning material leave his body and someone start cleaning his back for him. his face turned bright red and he felt jaebum go lower and lower down his back until he was about to touch his butt. he hurried and cleaned the soap off of him before hopping out and putting on a towel. he left the bathroom and stood out in his room. he held his face in his hands and waited until his hands turned cool again which meant his face stopped being red. but, of course that didn't last for long as he heard loud grunts come from inside the bathroom, various swear words, and also his name spill out of jaebum's mouth.

he bit his lip and covered his ears. he didn't want his name to be used in a dirty way like this. also, jaebum's just drunk, in the morning he'll go back to being his homophobic self and never make youngjae uncomfortable like this again. youngjae shook the thought out of his mind and rummaged through jaebum's draw. he put on some of his underwear and gave a small giggle when he noticed it falling off of him. whoa, weren't they different.

he went through jaebum's draw and found a shirt he could wear. he found a long one and slipped in on. he smiled at the fresh scent and hugged it closer to him. he liked the scent a lot, but he wouldn't admit that. it would just be weird.

youngjae furrowed his eyebrows as he noticed he did have his phone with him. he looked around jaebum's room and scratched his head in confusion when he couldn't find it. he got on his knees and looked under the bed where he found the device laying. weird, he thought, i don't remember dropping it.

he looked up and was met with a surprise. jaebum was standing in front of youngjae's face with loose hanging sweatpants. he stared up at jaebum and was met with a smirk, "huh? the only time i've seen someone in front of me like this on their knees they were doing something that you most likely don't know of."

"i'm sorry," youngjae shook his head, "i don't know. i don't know anything unless it comes to anime, kpop, and dogs." (a/n: mE HONESTLY)

jaebum nodded and stumbled over to his window. he stared out the window before speaking in slurs, "there's this boy and he wears girly clothes. i always tell him about them, but i've come to like it. i wanna wreck him so hard that he can't walk for two days. it would be hot because he's so innocent. i wonder how innocent he'll be after me."

youngjae stared at jaebum with wide eyes at his confession. he shouldn't say that to him, that was private. youngjae dismissed it as some more of his drunk talk and hurried to help jaebum to bed. he tucked the male in and went to turn off the light, using the moonlight as a guide. he climbed in next to him and sighed, getting comfortable.

as youngjae was about to fall asleep, he felt strong arms wrap around his tiny waist. he tensed before relaxing, deciding to accept the position he was in. anyways, he loved cuddling so it wasn't a big problem. being held in jaebum's arms, he fell asleep and dreamt of only sweet things that night.


okay hi !! so how's everyone?? im good and i just wanna clear up something. chapters five, six, and seven are like a trio so the story continues throughout that. chapter eight is not gonna have anything to do with these three. just putting it out there.

off topic, but i started watching this drama and it's like so (maybe) unintentionally gay and i love it a lot. i've been hooked on it like i'm already on episode six and im still going. i should really stop lmaoo

anyways,, i'm going so bye bye lovies !!


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