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*ೃ the wedding *ೃ

youngjae quickly ran through the fancy hall screaming his head off, "has anyone seen the groom?! HAS ANYONE SEEN THE GROOM?! HAS ANYONE SEEN PARK JINYOUNG PLEASE TELL ME?!?!?!?!"

people looked at the male weird as to why was he screaming and why did he wear a dress? they brushed it off and shrugged when he asked if they saw jinyoung. youngjae sighed in frustration and ran to jinyoung's assigned room. he busted in to see his sisters and mother sitting there. before the trio could gush about how pretty youngjae looked, youngjae hurried out his words, "have you seen jinyoung?! he's very late and i can't get in contact with him. jackson is freaking out and he's very close to crying because he feels like jinyoung ditched him on their wedding day. which is really stupid, you know? he would've left my uncle a very long time ago if he didn't like him. did anyone hear from him?"

his sister spoke, "no, we haven't heard from him! how can he be late for his wedding day!" now they all urgently called jinyoung and only his mother had got an answer. after a few yelling, jinyoung explained that there was heavy traffic and he was panicking as much as they were. he promised to make it on time where all four of them yelled at the same time, "well you better!"

youngjae let out an exasperated sigh and ran all the way back to jackson's room were his friends namjoon, jooheon, and amber were desperately trying to not let jackson cry. jackson's bottom lip quivered and tears threatened to spill, but he kept them in so he didn't mess up his makeup. jackson called out, "youngjae! what happened?"

"he's just stuck in traffic. he said he'll be here on time though." youngjae said. suddenly, jackson's expression changed from sad to angry and he exclaimed, "ugh, that idiot! he took the main road, right? why the fuck would he do that when it's a friday? i swear i'm gonna kill him after i finish crying while walking that aisle. park jinyoung is dead."

a tall lady on the side stood up and started walking out. youngjae spoke, "mom, where are you going?" the woman turned around and smiled, "to get my brother's very soon to be husband. he's obviously taking an uber because he's too nervous to drive himself, so i'll just find his uber, pay the guy, and steal jinyoung from the car. sounds good?"

everyone thought about it before nodding and agreeing that it sounds nice. jackson pouted again, "be safe, lucy! don't ruin your dress. and bring my man to me unharmed!"

lucy nodded and started walking out before she stopped in her tracks and whipped around. she exclaimed, "stop calling him! you know you can't see him on your wedding day, it's bad luck man! you can't even just talk to him, you have to act like you two are invisible, okay? he's probably just ignoring your calls." and with that, she turned to leave.

everyone listened to her stilettos clack down the halls and when they disappeared, jackson let out a wail of distress and tossed himself on the couch where he sobbed his eyes out. he spoke, "and i was about to jinx our wedding! who does that? jinx their own wedding? oh my god, i know i look a mess. i will stop crying now—i really will, stop looking at me like that—and just fix my makeup, please."

amber and youngjae shared looks before immediately getting to work on his face.


it was ten minutes until the wedding was starting when lucy, jackson's sister and youngjae's mom, burst through the doors and was a mess. she breathed heavily and leaned towards the ground. once recollecting herself and straightening herself up, she called, "jackson?" once hearing a hum as a response, she continued, "how many ubers should there really be at this time of day? and why are there so many guys named park jinyoung? it was hell trying to find your jinyoung, but i did. he's in his room. you'll see him in ten minutes."

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