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sHIT HEYYY GUYS !!!! i am such a shitty person that i like completely forgot that i didn't finish this book????? how did i forget????? i'm not sure???? anyways,, i'm rlly trying to hurry n finish this book so this chapter is gonna be short. i'm not trying to write anymore. i have other books n this one is trashhhhh

*ೃ shopping *ೃ

youngjae held onto a rosy pink leash as he walked through the aisles of the supermarket. he was currently food shopping and had decided to take his beloved dog coco with him since the place allowed dogs. he had also taken jaebum with him, but coco was more important.

youngjae picked up his favorite cereals and stood them up on the floor. he then placed coco in front of the boxes and smiled, "okay, it's that time! coco-ah, go choose which two should i get? you can do it!" he clapped and cheered the animal on.

jaebum, who was coming from the dairy aisle, turned the corner and saw youngjae excitably jumping and spinning coco in his frail arms. he furrowed his eyebrows before coming towards the pair. he spoke first, "what happened?"

"so, since i'm indecisive, i have coco choose between my four favorite cereals. i was secretly hoping for cinnamon toast crunch and lucky charms, and she chose that! isn't that great how she just knows me?" youngjae looked up at jaebum with sparkling eyes. jaebum nodded, patting coco on the head and praising her. he put the milk in the shopping cart and took the cereals from his tiny boyfriend. he jutted his head up, signaling for youngjae to start walking while he pushed the cart. youngjae shook his head and strong armed jaebum from the car, switching places with him.

jaebum stared wide eyed at the younger before mumbling a swear and grabbing him by his neck. youngjae let out his normal squeaky, loud, and wide-mouthed laugh. he let jaebum swear at him lowly and promised to not shove the elder again. he turned around and picked coco up, sitting her in the top section. youngjae pushed the cart and continued his shopping duties with jaebum and coco.


youngjae dropped all the bags off in his kitchen and let out a huge huff. he had carried most bags in one shot while jaebum had the rest (which was just five bags compared to the thirty bags youngjae had managed to take in).youngjae blew a loose curl out of his face and put his hands on his waist. he decided to hurry and put the food up, so he kicked off his shoes, put on his ryan slippers, and got to work.

it's been a few minutes and youngjae noticed something. he slowly turned around to see jaebum sitting down on a stool and on his phone. he suddenly had a popsicle and it was from the pack that youngjae just bought. his furrowed his eyebrows and got an angry crease in his forehead. youngjae exclaimed, "yah! im jaebum! what are you doing? get over here and help me!"

jaebum shook his head and continued to open the snack. youngjae sighed as he realized he was gonna have to go farther for the male's help. he shyly walked over to him and plopped down on his lap. he straddled his boyfriend, exposing his lace panties to his wide eyes. jaebum spoke, "w-what are you doing?" jaebum took a glance down and almost moaned at the sight of youngjae's soft milky thighs. he felt all blood in his body running south, but he tried to control it.

youngjae smiled innocently, "ah, jaebummie," he stole the popsicle from jaebum's hand. he took a long slow lick from it before putting the whole thing in his mouth. he went all the way to the stick, never once breaking eye contact with jaebum. he pulled off of it and licked his lips. the teen spoke, "mm! that was delicious! now, what was i saying? oh, can you help me unload this food? please daddy?"

"youngjae," jaebum breathed out, "do you want me to help you unload or fuck you right here on this table?" jaebum finished. he was painfully hard after youngjae's actions and he would kill to have the teen's pretty lips around his throbbing cock just right about now. youngjae smiled, "maybe after. now, just help me." and with that, youngjae stopped straddling him and stood up normally. he recognized jaebum's hungry eyes and realized he'll make it harder for him. so, during all the time they were unloading, youngjae purposely exposed underneath his skirt. he watched jaebum start hurrying to pack stuff and he lightly laughed at it.

once all the work was finished, youngjae was swept off of his feet and put onto the counter. the pair shared a passionate kiss as shirts were taken off and flung somewhere in the kitchen. jaebum's hands toyed with the younger's nipples, causing small moans to leave his mouth. after just kissing and leaving hickeys on each other, youngjae hopped off the counter and went on his knees. jaebum unbuckled his pants and let youngjae do the rest. once the pants were at his ankles, his underwear came down quickly also. jaebum spoke in a whisper, "just open your mouth for me baby boy. let daddy do the work this time."

youngjae nodded and looked up at jaebum, "be gentle, please. i'm a music major and i have to sing a lot in school. i can't go with a raspy voice and hurt throat." youngjae finished. jaebum chuckled, "you really should've thought about that before you teased me. oh, and also, prepare your thighs. something really big is gonna be between them soon." after jaebum finished speaking, youngjae nodded, accepting his consequences. he was confused about one thing though: why did he have to prepare his thighs and what was the big thing?

and let's just say, the next day at school, youngjae had to make up an excuse to his teacher as to why he couldn't sing as well as he always does today. poor lady thinks he just has strep throat. he also had to explain to his friends why he had so many marks on his skin and why was he complaining about how sore his thighs were. he made up good enough excuses....

but we like obviously know why.


ayyyy we in dis bihhhh !!! i hope u enjoy this rlly short chapter !!! i was legit all over the place with this idek what i wrote like don't ask me questions bc i'm confused my own damn self n how over the place that was. i ain't rewriting tho

yO BAMBAM HAS 2 DO THE MILITARY RAFFLE ON APRIL 9TH N IM SCAREDDDDDD !!!!!! ten from nct didn't have 2 do it bc he got a black card n also his body is not that healthy. bambam might not go bc of his weight (he's too skinny for that army) or bc of his legs. mark's suppose to break his legs. we're counting on u mark. i think yugbam hav black hair 2 like bring more good luck that bambam would get a black card.

bambam fighting !!!!!!


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