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ayooo what's good?????? i officially hate this book it's literally going nowhere. well, five more chapters to go and i'll be home free and be able to stop feeling guilty for not updating. honestly, how many of y'all were really truly wondering why there hasn't been no updates??? aight no one. i knew it. okay. bye.

*ೃ shopping and days out *ೃ

youngjae hummed a small song and buttoned his jeans. he tucked in his pink shirt and slipped on his all white shoes. he fixed his hair and grinned at his reflection. he skipped downstairs and went to sit on his porch. he waited for the familiar car to pull up to his home just to run to it.

jaebum has been gone on some trip for days. he had promised youngjae that as soon as he came back they were gonna shop and spend the day together. youngjae could hardly wait.

the car came and he smiled wide and hurried to the car. a familiar man came out and was surprised when his princess jumped into his arms and embraced him tightly. youngjae spoke, "jaebumie!! i've missed you so much!!"

jaebum chuckled and trudged over to the passenger side. he opened the door and sat youngjae inside, giving the younger a little peck on his lips before buckling him in and closing the door. he went back over and got into his seat before buckling up and driving away.

the pair talked all the time to the way to the mall. youngjae was going back to school soon to start his 11th year and jaebum was taking him clothing shopping. they were gonna spend the whole day out together and it would be just perfect. neither of them could wait.

they reached the crowded building and youngjae smiled wide. jaebum parked and gave youngjae a sloppy kiss on his cheek before hurrying out so youngjae couldn't hit him. jaebum watched youngjae hurry out the car and he began running away. youngjae screeched, "yah!" and charged after the male. he was over there in a flash and started beating jaebum up. jaebum quickly picked youngjae up and put him over his shoulder. youngjae kicked and screeched but stopped once he noticed it was useless.

upon entering the building, jaebum let the boy down and instead grabbed his hand and started walking with him. they were talking until youngjae squealed and ran into forever 21. jaebum sighed, "let the shopping begin."

(here's an intermission go get your food and go use the bathroom before you continue)

so far, jaebum's lugging around tons of bags and youngjae's marching ahead to the food court. youngjae had finished shopping and now both were hungry and dying for some food, especially jaebum. youngjae entered the food court and found a seat for them. he allowed jaebum to sit while he got the food.

he waited in line of his phone and when he was next he walked up with a smile. he started ordering and when he finished, he paid the amount and waited to the side. his number was called and he was gonna grab the food when this girl eyes widened. she spoke, "damn, boy! look at you go in your outfit."

youngjae blushed and posed for her, laughing. she laughed back and continued speaking, "yo, is that like your sugar daddy over there? you're loaded with bags. make sure to give him a special treat later. have a good day!"

youngjae tilted his head to the side and walked away with a confused look. sure he did call jaebum daddy, but what did he have to give him in return? he decided to text his two friends about it once he sat down, but immediately regretted it. he couldn't calm down his red face and jaebum didn't understand. he decided not to question it and kept eating.

youngjae's face calmed and they ate normally and talked. once done the pair left and went to the car. once inside, youngjae peppered a thousand kisses on jaebum's face, thanking him for the clothes. jaebum laughed and pushed youngjae away, buckling him up and driving away.


later on, youngjae was snuggled next to jaebum and watching dog vines. even though jaebum was more of a cat person, he allowed youngjae to plow through all dog compilations. jaebum kept inserting pieces of popcorn into youngjae's mouth every few seconds. he slyly stole kisses sometimes which resulted into a red faced youngjae.

on the tenth dog compilation, youngjae started quietly snoring. jaebum quickly grabbed his phone and took multiple pictures of youngjae. he went on his instagram and posted the pictures in a multi slide before captioning it "mine." and posting it. he smiled and felt his heart flutter.

jaebum turned off all the lights and the television before cuddling into the younger and dozing off also.


ayooooo i'm back !!!! i think my friend might find this book so if she does then heyyyyy.

i've been dead forever i apologize. i haven't been feeling up to update and i have given up on this book. i'm so glad its almost done because i have so much better story ideas. my writing will get better soon.


also #ripjonghyun :-((((((

— angel

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