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hi there !! i'm really happy because i'm leaving for la soon, but that means i won't be able to post much !! so,, enjoy this chapter and i might double update just to keep y'all fed but idk. we'll see???? (also peep those one ok rock lyrics as the title lmaoo i'm trash) ((also there might be something triggering in here?? at least i think so. skip if you want, sorry !!))

*ೃ it's hard to see your tears in the pouring rain *ೃ

youngjae smiled as he looked at his outfit. he had a white skirt and shirt one with a pink jacket. he had on a pair white shoes with matching socks.

youngjae also smiled as he got a whiff of his sweet scent

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youngjae also smiled as he got a whiff of his sweet scent. youngjae stopped looking at his outfit and smelling himself to grab his stuff and hurry out his room. his uncle wasn't home at this time, so he was free to walk around. he's been avoiding his uncle ever since he left jaebum's house. jackson was out when he first came home, but of course he came back and youngjae just hid in his closet or under the bed. he doesn't know why, but he just doesn't wanna face him.

he stopped thinking and bounced downstairs and outside. you must be thinking, why is he so happy? well, he's going over to mark's house. you would be happy too going over to your crush's house, right? anyways, youngjae decided to just walk to mark's house as he left his scooter's keys inside. also it was suppose to rain and he didn't wanna ride it. he made sure to take the vehicle inside so it didn't get wet.

youngjae put his earbuds in his ears and happily began to skip to mark's house.

a few minutes later, the male arrived and smiled. he remembered that mark told him to just come in as his door is always unlocked. he hurried inside as it was starting to rain and he didn't want a totally ruined outfit. he went inside and closed the door, breathing in the fresh scent. he'd never been to mark's house before and didn't know what to expect. he liked it already, though.

he heard noises upstairs so he immediately ran up there. the sixteen year old guessed he was up there, waiting for him. he peeked into each room, finding them all empty except one. as soon as he opened it, he immediately wished it was empty.

he walked in on mark fucking a girl. sounds of pleasures and swear words came from both of their mouths. youngjae stared at the sight and recalled seeing it before. yeah, he recalled seeing his uncles doing that. also, his friends always watch stuff like this, so he was pretty sure he wasn't an idiot about this anymore. he called out with a wavering voice, "m-mark?"

the actions stopped and mark turned around to see the younger. he exited the girl and wrapped the sheets around his waist. he couldn't believe that youngjae just witnessed that. he spoke, "youngjae? aren't you suppose to be here later?"

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