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lmaoo so i accidentally started another book and it's stuck in my drafts until i finish this and my markjae book. y'all should like it, it's nice. it has a plot i've never ever done before so it might suck bc of that, but i hope it's succeeds !! anyways, let's start !!

✩*ೃ roller skates and boo-boos ✩*ೃ

youngjae walked into the crowded place with his best friends. they were being coupley and youngjae was busy taking polaroids of them. the pair was cute now that they could showcase their love for each other. youngjae loved seeing them happy because it made him happy.

youngjae was gonna take another polaroid, but accidentally dropped the camera when a pair of arms wrapped around him, startling him. a laugh sounded and youngjae immediately recognized it. he blushed and quickly bent down to collect the camera. he stood up and held his head in embarrassment at the situation.

jaebum smirked and lifted the male's head up. he gave a small peck on this lips and smiled as he achieved to turn his face crimson red. he loved the effect he had on the smaller male, it was just too cute. and a little hot, but you didn't hear it from him.

"ready?" jaebum asked. youngjae's eyes lit up and he nodded his head excitedly. he grabbed jaebum's hands and tried to hurry away, but was delayed due to the fact that he didn't know how to rollerskate and the rug he was on. jaebum noticed youngjae struggling and took lead, guiding the sixteen-year old to the regular floor. youngjae hesitated a bit before looking at jaebum's reassuring smile and relaxed face. youngjae took a deep breath before trusting his man enough to skate out.

youngjae stumbled some and immediately clutched onto jaebum. jaebum smiled fondly and glided along slowly, encouraging youngjae to move his feet some. youngjae submissively listened and glided along, opening his eyes and starting to laugh at how fun it was. jaebum cheered youngjae on and a bright idea came into his mind.

"ok, youngjae.... trust me now. do you trust me?" jaebum timidly asked. youngjae nodded his head and tilted his head to the side, "why, jaebummie? what are you gonna do?"

jaebum spoke, "this." and he swiftly let go of youngjae and let him skate by himself. youngjae screeched in horror as he was left alone on the floor. he was way too far from the wall and way too many people were gliding around him. bambam and yugyeom were nowhere in sight to save him, so he was on his own. youngjae panicked too much and ended up crashing to the ground, where he skid his knee and someone had accidentally ran over his fingers.

"shit!" jaebum swore before hurrying over to the male on the floor. he skid to a stop and picked him up before hurrying off and sitting him down. youngjae's bottom lip quivered and tears threatened the spill. jaebum swore multiple times at the sight of the boy. he spoke, "no, no, no, youngjae, don't cry. i'm so sorry, oh god i'm so stupid. are you okay, are you in pain? where, baby, where?"

youngjae, with tears streaming down his face, he let of a choked out speech, "here," he pointed to his hand, "and here." he finished with pointing to his knees.

jaebum nodded and spoke, "do you wanna go and get some ice cream? i'll get you some special band-aids. okay?"

the younger nodded and allowed jaebum to undress and redress his feet. he waited patiently for jaebum to return from giving back the skates and left with him. the pair walked to the nearest convenience and youngjae sat down while jaebum got him his favorite ice cream. he gave a small smile when seeing jaebum was back quick with strawberry ice cream and hello kitty band-aids. he allowed jaebum to apply band-aids to his knees and clean up the cut on his hand just to apply another one.

the pair sat and jaebum watched as youngjae played with his ice cream, uninterested. he asked what was wrong and youngjae answered simply with, "it hurts."

jaebum nodded and knew what he had to do. he got down on his knees and placed soft kisses to youngjae's knees. he did the same to his hand and looked up at the younger's face. he wiped his tears away and cleaned his face before asking, "better?"

youngjae nodded and started happily eating. jaebum chuckled at his childish behavior and started eating too.

for the rest of the night, the pair just ate, went home to cuddle before falling asleep with their limbs tangled.

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