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hey guys !! last chapter was long and i don't know if any other chapter will be that long. it was kinda a one time thing, so pls understand if nothing else is as long as that. anyways,, let's get on with the chapter !!

*ೃ when dancing turns awkward *ೃ

youngjae woke up by someone shaking him. he hummed and waved the person off. he heard the familiar laugh and immediately knew it was mark, his dance partner and maybe crush. he yawned and snuggled closer into his covers.

mark spoke, "uh, youngjae? you might wanna fix your..." he trailed off. youngjae furrowed his eyebrows together, confused. he was gonna question it but then he felt his butt feel a little cool. he immediately opened his eyes and hid under his covers. his face got redder and redder as mark started laughing harder and harder. he couldn't believe that happened.

after mark calmed down he moved the cover away and smiled at his red face, "it's okay, youngjae-ah. get ready and i'll wait outside."

youngjae nodded and waited until mark left to whine and hold his head in his hands. he pulled his hair and groaned. he was so stupid, how could that happen? youngjae brushed it off and got up. he quickly showered and washed his hair, making sure his body smelt good all around. he didn't wanna smell nasty around the guy he's liked for two years.

he came out and looked at his underwear draw. he contemplated which underwear he should wear before settling on one that were frilly and has a little bow on them. he slipped them on and smiled because they were cute. he didn't care that they were considered girl underwear, they were cute and made him happy.

youngjae went to his closet and picked out an outfit. he slipped it on and looked at himself in the mirror. he had on a white skirt with black stripes at the end. the shirt was lavender with a little flamingo embroidered in on his left side as a design. he smiled at the choice and continued on to put on his socks and his white and black adidas. he then went back to the mirror and posed before taking a quick picture.

after that, the male started to lotion his arms and legs

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after that, the male started to lotion his arms and legs. he made sure to choose a sweet smelling lotion because he wanted to impress mark. after that, he leaned down and fixed his hair. he made sure his hair looked presentable before putting on some makeup. it wasn't much, just some lip gloss, highlight, and mascara. it's his regular makeup, and besides, he wanted to look good.

he smiled at his appearance and hurried to grab his phone before rushing out his room. he was about to knock on his uncle's door when he realized it wasn't that vital to tell him about going outside. he shrugged and hurried downstairs. he went outside and smiled when he saw mark waiting and basking in the sun. he skipped over and smiled as he stood over him. he held his skirt in his hands so he wouldn't show mark anything else.

mark took his arm away from covering his eyes and squinted at the boy. he smirked, "finally, you took forever."

youngjae rolled his eyes and lightly kicked mark. the elder laughed and got up. he pulled out his beats pill and started playing music. as soon as it started, mark held out his hand and youngjae accepted the offer. he allowed mark to spin him around and wrap his arms around him. youngjae didn't wanna admit it, but he felt his heart pound harder in his chest.

he usually moved with grace and beauty, but now he had to act sassy. he pulled away and span twice before crossing his arms. mark came behind him and grabbed his arm, turning him around. youngjae quickly held onto mark's hands and went down, slipped between his legs and ended up behind him. he turned and went into push up mode. mark span around and picked the younger up.

youngjae lifted his leg for mark to grip onto. mark pulled youngjae closer to him and held onto him. there was a climax in the music before a pause. youngjae stared at mark's face and felt his heart race out of control. mark stared in youngjae's eyes before letting his eyes fall onto the younger's lips. he gulped before biting his lip and tightening his grip on youngjae's waist and leg.

jaebum was walking out to go to the store when he saw the scene across the sheet. his eyes widened as he realized that they were about to kiss. he hurried over and pushed them apart, shouting "hey! what's going on here?"

youngjae hung his head in shame and blushed wildly. mark scratched the back of his neck and chuckled nervously. he couldn't believe that he was about to kiss youngjae. he was only sixteen! but that doesn't deny the fact that he would be an awesome kisser. also he's flexible so he would be good in– whoa, mark stopped himself, i shouldn't of thought of that.

jaebum put his hands on his hips and went over to youngjae. he lifted his head and stared in his eyes. he spoke, "what are you doing? you're only sixteen and already doing this. you should just go back to doing your summer studies. yah! go inside."

youngjae nodded and gave a small wave to mark before quickly running away. he went into the safety of his house and peeked out the window to see mark quickly getting in his car and driving off. jaebum shook his head before glaring at youngjae through his window. youngjae waved and stopped peeking. he slid down the door, sighed, and held his hands over his heart before smiling. did that just really happen?

the rest of that night youngjae squealed about it to his friends before peacefully falling asleep with happy thoughts.


finished !! now almost all the members of got7 is included. jinyoung is coming very soon !! just guess when. i hope you anticipate it a lot.

i was in a markjae feel today so that's why this took place. i love me some coco's parents.

anyways,, does anyone wanna see more markjae or want me to just get straight into 2jae. i mean i feel like i got a stable plot but i take suggestions.

anyways (part two),, i'm gonna go !! sorry if i'm updating to quickly but i don't care !! bye bye !!


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