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hi i'm back !! kcon was amazing and i had so so sooooo much fun !! i talked about it on my insta lmaoo. youngjae looked like a damn prince and his english is amazing !! i'm so happy my bby improved !! also 2jae is real and i got proof. anyways, lets go on !!

*ೃ rain, rain, please stay *ೃ

youngjae hummed the ouran host club theme song and scribbled in his journal. he was currently writing about jaebum and he was so happy. he still couldn't believe the pair were actually dating. it just all felt so surreal.

"jaebum hyung actually likes me back..." youngjae trailed off before blushing and gently biting on his pen. then, he squealed before tossing his pen down and covering his burning face. just saying those six words made the teen's stomach erupt in butterflies and him feel all extra happy and giggly. he collected himself and continued, "wah, my first boyfriend ever. this is so crazy."

youngjae finished writing and closed the book before tossing the book and his pen in his draw and closing it. he went on his phone and was scrolling through instagram when he heard a knock on his window. confused, he hurried over there and look out from behind his curtains. he found jaebum standing on his balcony, in the pouring rain. he gasped before quickly unlocking it and allowing him in.

"oh no! you're soaked! let me find you some clothes." youngjae exclaimed before turning around and running off. jaebum chuckled and ran his fingers through his wet hair. it honestly wasn't a big deal, but he didn't get the chance to tell him that. he waited until youngjae ran back to take the clothes and head into the shower.


youngjae sang the lyrics to star by heize while cleaning up his room. he was reaching up high and even standing on his tippy toes just to put a snow globe back on the top shelf. he was about to give up when a body pressed against him, stole the snow globe from his hands, and placing it up with ease. youngjae was about to panic, but then he looked up and saw jaebum smiling down at him. he smiled back brightly and thanked his hyung before hopping onto his bed and making grabby hands at the elder.

jaebum cooed at his cuteness and climbed in next to youngjae. the male immediately wrapped his legs around jaebum's waist and snuggled closer into him. jaebum gulped as youngjae pressed up against his dick. he didn't have any underwear on since he wasn't going to wear his uncle's, and it was a bit tough to keep calm. he shook all dirty thoughts out of his head before putting all his attention back youngjae.

"why did you come here?" youngjae mumbled, suddenly sleepily. jaebum smiled and wrapped his arms around the younger before answering, "well, it was raining and somewhat lonely at my house, so i just came over. also i wanna spend as much time as i can with you. i mean, we're boyfriends now."

youngjae giggled and blushed before nodding and looking up. he spoke, "my beautiful boyfriend. you're all mine now. every single part of you is mine." after talking, youngjae smiled wide and pressed a soft kiss to jaebum's lips. after, he hid his face in jaebum's chest and giggled.

jaebum blushed and nodded, "yes i'm all yours, princess. and also every single part of you is mine. including, if i may, this." jaebum bit his lip before squeezing youngjae's tiny butt.

youngjae gasped when he felt jaebum's large hands cup his butt. he blushed harder and hit jaebum's chest. he waved his hand in front of his face, trying to cool it down. jaebum laughed and started kissing youngjae all over his face. he loved making the younger flustered. his red face and little giggles were so cute.

youngjae yawned and snuggled closer into his boyfriend. he announced he was tired and closed his eyes. after sometime of quite, youngjae spoke up, "do you really have to go after this rain ends? i hope it never does so we can stay like this forever."

jaebum rested his chin on top of youngjae's head and pulled him in closer. he spoke, "we can do this anytime. don't worry about the rain ending, i'll be here forever for you to hold. don't worry."

and with those sweet words, jaebum proceeded to coax the younger to sleep. when it worked, jaebum slowly fell asleep with his lover in his arms.


okay how was it?? does everyone like this filler chapter?? was it nice?? sorry the wait was so long !!

so this book will have like a lil smut (ayy) but mostly fluff. i don't wanna have lots of drama bc 2jae is precious and they don't need that. sounds good?? feels good.

oh !! i started a new book and it's markjae and it's called "14 ways to lose your teddy bear" !! it's inspired by heize and i have high hopes for it so pretty please check it out !! even if you don't ship markjae, you ship markjae.

also we hit 300 !! thank you so much for reading and i hope this book can grow and i can be known as a good writer among ahgases !! i love you all !!

— angel

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