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heyyy guysssss. i don't really have a lot to write here sooo let's just get on with it. i write, you read, we both enjoy !! okay, lemme stop

*ೃ unexpected confessions of a little too much *ೃ

youngjae sighed and laid down on his little window bed. the male would've been hanging out at yugyeom's house, but he was grounded. he deserved it, though. his uncle had grounded him for a month, so the date was july 13th.

youngjae was currently sketching a new character to post on his instagram. he tapped his pen against his face and poked his tongue out while thinking of a name. his eyes widened and he smiled as a name popped up in his mind. "amaterasu." he breathed out, smiling at the name. it meant shine over heaven and the girl did have wings, so it fit..

after sketching her, youngjae tried to color her in, but he suddenly couldn't focus. it may be because he saw jaebum sitting in front of his window. a question that has been going through his mind popped back up again.

he bit his lip before opening his window and calling out to jaebum. jaebum looked up before rolling his eyes and opening his window, "yes, kid?"

youngjae nervously played with a loose thread of his outfit and chewed his bottom lip. after sometime, he looked up at jaebum and spoke, "why won't you be my friend? i'm nothing but nice to you. what is it?"

jaebum stared at the younger. he didn't answer quickly because quite frankly, he didn't know why himself. he didn't mean to be mean, it's just that he started getting a weird feeling in his stomach every time he saw youngjae. it was the type of feeling you would get when you saw someone you really liked. but he didn't like youngjae. wait, did he? well, thats another question he doesn't know the answer to.

when jaebum noticed he was thinking too much, he decided to change the topic quickly. he cleared his throat before speaking, "before i answer that, tell me the story about all of this. how you're gay, you're clothes, all of this."

youngjae nodded and started, "well, my parents got divorced and my dad took my brother and my mom kept my sister and i. i didn't really feel right in my gender's clothes and i knew my mom was open so i told her. my sister overheard and let me try on her skirts and dresses. i really liked it so i switched. people blame it on me not having a fatherly figure growing up and that's why i'm like this, but even if i did i would still be like this. also i found out i was gay when kissed my best friends."

"i knew it! you three are not just friends!" jaebum exclaimed. youngjae laughed and cleared up that it was only a dare. jaebum nodded and took in all the information. youngjae started speaking again, "also i only live with my uncle because they've got a really good school here. my sister went off with her boyfriend and my mom left to vegas. she's always wanted to be an exotic dancer."

jaebum had to sit still and process that youngjae's mom did exotic dancing. he brushed off the thought before nodding. he started, "i don't necessarily hate you. i was raised that being gay is a sin. but lesbians aren't bad at all. it's kinda hot."

there he goes again, having to deny it. sure, he was taught that, but he didn't necessarily feel like that anymore. he's started to notice how cool youngjae is and also he's started to think like that about him. yeah, like that. he didn't mean too, it's just that sometimes it happens. jaebum wants to keep hiding it, but soon it's gonna happen. he just doesn't know how soon.

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