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hiya !! i don't really know what i'm doing with this chapter. i just wanna say that 2jae is coming soon in later chapters !! anticipate it !!

*ೃ unfortunate encounters *ೃ

youngjae sat with his best friends and sighed. he had came over to bambam's house and since they live close to each other, yugyeom came over. they were both painting his nails: yugyeom doing the left hand and bambam doing the right. youngjae smiled, "guys, he was gonna kiss me. how awesome is that!"

yugyeom laughed. he looked up, "why didn't you kiss him?"

bambam chuckled, "why didn't you get that car in your tunnel?"

yugyeom hit bambam and rolled his eyes. he spoke, "stop that. anyways, someone else's car should be in his tunnel. the cute neighbor of his."

bambam nodded as youngjae stared confused at the two. he brushed it off as his friends being dirty and weird again and continued talking, "anyways, we didn't kiss because first of all, i'm sixteen, and second of all, jaebum got in the way."

the pair nodded and shared a look. they didn't wanna tell youngjae, but they thought jaebum kinda liked youngjae. it was a stretch, but why else would he interfere? it seemed like perfect common sense to them but complete bullshit to youngjae. youngjae caught their shared look and shook his head before sighing violently, "no, he doesn't like me. jaebum is very homophobic and would never get with a guy. anyways, if he liked me, i wouldn't even spare him a glance. jaebum is just not my type, he's too mean."

bambam was about to respond when youngjae caught a glimpse of the time and gasped. he was supposed to be home at 10:30 pm but now it's was 11 pm. he was glad that his friends had finished his nails while they were talking or he'd be running out with halfly painted nails. he made sure they were dry before hopping up and slipping on his shoes. he quickly hugged his friends and ran out the room. he went downstairs and was gonna rush out before he was stopped his bambam's mom.

he quickly gave her a kiss and a hug before rushing out. he met with bambam's dog and gave them a quick kiss before smiling and running away. he ran down his long driveway and hurried onto his motorized scooter. he turned it on before speeding away, making sure to avoid all the potholes and stray animals in the street.

youngjae eventually made it home at about 11:20 pm. he quickly parked in the driveway, turned the vehicle off, and hurried inside. he locked the door and went into his kitchen. he grabbed some leftover cake from the fridge and decided to make an apology cake with it. he decorated it with strawberries and was going to also do whip cream, since that was his uncle's favorite, but somehow couldn't find it. he scratched his head in confusion before shrugging, deciding that the whip cream wasn't necessary. jackson'll live.

he hurried upstairs and went in front of his door. he stood there for a few, trying to come up with a good enough apology. he eventually decided on just lying and saying he was sleeping. yeah, he nodded, that would be good enough. youngjae took a deep breath before opening the door. what he was met with was not a pretty sight.

he stared, confused at the sight ahead. moans could be heard as his uncle jackson bounced up and down on top of some man. youngjae recognized him as park jinyoung, someone his uncle was seeing. he tilted his head to the side before speaking up, "what's going on?"

jackson immediately scrambled off of jinyoung and held the cover over them. jinyoung picked up two pillows to cover his and jackson's bulge. both faces were red as they couldn't believe they were caught. jackson just hoped and prayed his didn't see anything that would ruin him.

youngjae repeated his question. what were they doing? youngjae saw how the pair shared glances and kept stuttering. youngjae just shook his head and laughed, "don't be like that. i don't really wanna know anymore. anyway, i made an apology cake because i came home 20 minutes late. i was gonna put whip cream, but we seem to have no..."

the sixteen year old trailed off as he spotted the can of whip cream on his bedside table. he went over and grabbed it before picking off the strawberries. he put them on side and put a little bit of whip cream where they were at. after finishing that, he put the strawberries back on and held it out in front of him. he spoke, "now that i've found the whip cream, your cake is finished. sorry for being late."

jackson shook his head and smiled, "uh, don't worry. just don't do it again. you can go and eat the cake. and while you're at it, make sure to play your music loud."

youngjae nodded and smiled. he looked at jinyoung and bowed, which caused the male to wave and give a small smile. youngjae skipped out the room and into his. he turned on his television and sat on his bed. he grabbed his laptop and sat with his legs crossed. following his uncle's orders, he went to youtube and started to blast smile by pentagon. he sang the lyrics and smiled, he loved how cute the lyrics were.

youngjae sat and ate his cake while scrolling through his social. he was somewhat internet famous for his "kawaii aesthetic". he didn't get it since it was his style, but he didn't mind. he liked getting that attention and he liked how many friends he's made over it.

youngjae eventually got tired of scrolling and he sat on his little second bed. it was actually just his reading space and where he sometimes takes photos because of the good lightning. he loves the little space because it's cute and contains some stuffies that couldn't fit on his bed. he sat there and starting reading miss kobayashi's dragon maid. he loved the series and he definitely loved the books. this anime was literally the only reason why he got premium on crunchyroll. he still doesn't have the guts to tell his uncle about why $5 keeps getting taken from his credit care.

after reading, youngjae found himself getting sleepy. the male picked up all his stuffies and placed them in pile. he kissed and hugged them all goodnight before putting them where they came from. he then turned off his television and climbed into bed before turned off his lamp. he laid down and played neko atsume until he fell asleep peacefully.


hi !! i made an edit for this book and it's gonna be shown later on and i'm kinda proud?? idk, but i like it and it's pretty good since it's my first time. hope you like it as much as i do !!

anyways,, the time has come for me to end this chapter. also, on an unrelated note, my mans sanjoy noticed me !! i'm so happy and i was shaking so much i literally cried, no lie. i'm so happy !!

okayy so bye bye now !!


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