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uh i am asking 4 forgiveness ahead of time. this chapter is vvvv sinful. enjoy tho !!!

*ೃ birthday surprise *ೃ

3 years later

january 6th. im jaebum's 23rd birthday.

it was a day of laughter and joy. jaebum got to see his parents and introduce youngjae to his parents. he was happy he took youngjae to meet his parents now when he was 18 instead of when he was 16 or youngjae would've been looked down upon for being immature. over the years, youngjae grew and was now a mature boy and jaebum didn't have to punish him as much as he used to. everything was good and happy.

the night was winding down and now it was just jaebum and youngjae in their shared apartment. jaebum had gifted this apartment to youngjae when he turned legal so they could share it together. after weeks of moving, it was now a sweet home for the pair. jaebum was chilling on his phone when youngjae had sat up. youngjae played with his thumbs as he called out for jaebum, causing the elder to look up concerned.

"well you see here," youngjae started before clearing his throat and continuing, "you treat me really good. like you'd do anything for me and you treat me like im the best thing to happen to you. you do a lot for me and i really don't feel like i do a lot for you so i wanna give you something. it might make you happy but im not sure. do you want it?" youngjae finished and looked at his boyfriend.

"uh, no i don't want it. i don't want it because you never told me what it is." jaebum replied. youngjae blushed before letting out a small "oh." he continued to explain, "well, you see here... i want to give you something really special. at least i think it's special. uh, jaebum you're older, you know what birthday gifts there usually is that like adults do. and you know.... since im legal..... and you're twenty three now... i wanna give it." youngjae looked up to find jaebum staring at him with a smirk. he shook his head and covered his red face. youngjae started rambling about how it was stupid when he was cut off abruptly.


"yes, jaebum?"

"do you want to give your virginity to me?"

"uh... jaebum y-yeah but if you don't want to the-"


"yes, jaebum?"

"do you want me to fuck you?"

hearing it like this made the teen flustered. youngjae stuttered and looked everywhere but jaebum. that's exactly what he wanted, he wanted to give jaebum an even better gift than what he originally got him and that was his body. he felt ready, but was still shy to all of this. youngjae's face burned as his boyfriend started climbing towards him, pushing his petite body down on the fluffy bed. jaebum hovered over the male and placed one hand beside his head and the other on his hip. jaebum tilted his head, "you never answered me, princess. do you want me to fuck you? your body is my birthday gift right, so you'll let me do anything?"

youngjae watched as jaebum stared at him with dark eyes. it wasn't the dark eyes that jaebum used to stare at him that were full of disgust, it was his different dark eyes, you know the ones jaebum would stare at him with when he was about to suck his dick. youngjae liked these eyes, they seemed to sparkle and glisten, but now they made him nervous.

youngjae realized jaebum was still waiting for an answer. he quickly snapped out of his thoughts and nodded. he placed his hands on jaebum chest before nodding more approvingly, "yes, i do want that. it doesn't matter the speed, whatever fits you is okay. i can take a lot, jaebum."

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