tyler touchz jish

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josh dribbled the ball onto the pavement and shot it into the hoop. thank god it went in, he didn't want tyler to think he was as bad at basketball as he actually was.

tyler stopped dribbling and sat down on a fold out chair, watching josh play intently. josh could've sworn he saw tyler looking at his arm muscles once or twice. after a couple shots, tyler went up to josh.

"dude you're great, but can i show you a few things?"

"yeah, go ahead." josh replied. tee hee, tyler thought he was great.

"okay so, pretend like you're about to shoot the ball."

josh positioned the ball.

"nah man, your hands are lined up all wrong. see you want it like--" he interrupted himself to line himself up with josh's back. he lined his arm up with josh's, and grabbed the ball with one hand and josh's hand with another. he moved them until the tips of josh's fingers were softly touching the black lines on the ball.

josh could feel the heat from tylers body, and their was a buzz when their skin brushed one another. his heart was beating so fast. tylers lips just happened to be right next to josh's ear when he whispered,

"see those black lines? those are called channels. you're right handed, so you want your right hand on the curved one and your left hand on the straight one, like that, see?"

josh gulped. "gotcha." he croaked.

"now try shooting."

josh released the ball, and it didn't even touch the rim, it just flew straight through the net.

"nice, man!" tyler said, backing away. josh turned around to look at tyler. josh stared at him for a second, his eyes going straight into his. it felt wonderful to look right at tyler. it felt amazing. he wanted to touch tyler so badly, to hold him and kiss him.

what the hell is wrong with you, you can't even make friends without falling for them!

but josh, and even the voice inside his head knew that wasn't true. josh has made friends without crushing on them. but tyler was different. he was special.

tyler picked up a ball and started shooting again.

about an hour later, mrs. dun walked in through the door.

"tyler, are you staying for dinner?"

tyler looked to josh. josh shrugged.

tyler nodded. "if you'd let me ma'am, i'd love to."

"of course! we'd love to have you! we're getting taco bell. you can eat it in josh's room. josh's father will be home any moment with it. i told him to get two of what josh gets, so you can have one, if you plan on staying. alright boys, i'll leave you to it!" she hustled back into the house.

tyler looked back at josh.

josh shrugged again. "i hope you like chalupas."

tyler couldn't help but laugh. "man, i love chalupas more than life itself." the truth was, tyler loved a lot more things
more than he loved life, but chalupas were pretty damn good.

the boys sat on josh's bed, scarfing down the chalupas. thunder rumbled outside, and rain spattered against the window.

"man, it's really coming down out there." josh said. "you sure you don't want a ride home?"

"nah, i only live a ten minute's walk away. i'll be fine."

"whatever you say." josh said. he didn't want tyler getting hurt or stuck though.

tyler checked his watch. "dude i gotta go, my curfew's in like twenty, and it's getting dark anyways."

"alright man, bye. i gotta finish this chalupa." josh wanted to walk him out but that would be weird.

"bye, see you tomorrow."

josh watched as tyler walked out of his room. he listened carefully for the sound of tyler walking down the steps, saying bye to his family, and heading out the door. he looked through his window and watched tyler walking out onto the street, where he was already getting soaked to the bone.

josh wanted so badly to look after his small friend, to protect him.

it took josh about a minute to finish his chalupa and as soon as he drained the tinfoil of the yummy juices, he sprinted outside to find tyler.

as soon as he went outside, his clothes were drenched. he had to find tyler, his heart was aching for him. lightning struck the sky. josh started running again. he needed to see tyler.

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