tylers letter

13 4 1

dear tyler

i could fill you with false hope and tell you everything will get better, everything will work out, but neither of us knows that.

if things are going to get better, you've got a tough journey ahead of you, fighting battles against your own mind. but i'll be with you every step of the way.

because i love you. cheesy. but i do. so much.

tyler, i do not want you to die. i want you to live. i want you to be alive so i can love you because i haven't loved you enough yet. i never will love you enough and that's why you should stay alive. and stay alive for yourself. please.

know that i'm always thinking of you. you were constantly on my mind from the moment i saw you.

you're beautiful tyler joseph. you're smart and kind and talented. you have so much to live for and i know you can do this.

so much love,

joshua dun

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