thsi is awkward

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tyler shakily grabbed josh's hand, patting it as he trembled. "thank you josh." he said. a tear rolled down his soft cheek.

josh took a deep breath and noticed tylers hand on his own. he grabbed his wrist and held it up.

"jesus, tyler when was the last time you ate?"

tyler looked down at his hospital gown. he shrugged and bit his lip, a bit ashamed and embarrassed. he sniffled.

"i'm sorry joshie-" he choked on his tears, the boy was so upset.

"tyler you don't have to apologize i just want you to eat!" josh said, bending down to tyler's eye level. he kissed tyler chapped pink lips, tasting a bit of the salt from the tears. "hell tyler, i just want you to be alive."

"i know." he whispered, staring at his lap again. "i know this isn't the best time... but i have something to say."

"yes?" josh asked, his heart pounding. he knew what it was. tyler said it really fast and really quick.

"ithinkthatweshoulddatebecausewe'reinloveandstuff." and even though he was in a hospital bed, it was still really freakin cute. tyler looked up at josh with his big brown eyes, waiting impatiently for an answer. they were glazed with tears.

josh managed a weak chuckle. "'we're in love and stuff?'" he smiled and squeezed tylers hand. "of course ty." his heart sunk for a second. "are you sure you want to date at a time like this?" he glanced at tylers IV tube protruding from his flesh. the skin was purple and bruised around it, and he could tell it had hurt going in.

"josh i've always wanted to date you. even when i wasn't lying in a hospital bed."

"good." josh whispered. he touched tylers fingers.

"well now we can be official." tyler smiled. josh bent down and kissed tyler again, and it was soft and sweet. josh loved the feeling of tyler underneath him, of them touching each other and holding each other just like josh had always wanted.

josh slowly lowered himself onto the bed as their lips were still together and cradled tyler's face. and then they were moving, and kissing and touching and it wasn't heated, but instead quiet and filled with love.

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