a turn of events

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josh got home from a long day at school. he couldn't wait to get home and listen to his music. but his plans were interrupted because as soon as he stepped in the door, he smelled whiskey and bourbon.
his dad had been drinking.

his mom came running to the door, tears streaming down her face. she was clutching her red cheek.

"josh, honey, don't go in there. p-please." she whimpered and started to shut the door.

josh grabbed the handle before it closed. he knew his dad was an alcoholic, but he didn't think that he'd ever hit his mom. anger bubbled inside his stomach.

he stormed through the house until he found his father slumped on the couch with empty bottles of bourbon around him, watching football. josh held his moms hand.

"dad." he pointed to his mother's face. "what the fuck."

fuming, bill turned towards josh, stood up, and stormed over. josh tried to hit him but he caught his arm mid-swing, and clenched down until josh's hand fell asleep.

"don't you talk to me that way." he spit on josh. he glanced at his mother. "and she had it coming." he paused and looked josh straight in the eye. "and so do you." and he hit josh square in the face, right next to his nose.

josh ran out of the house, out of breath. everything seemed to be spinning. why the fuck would his dad do that?

his phone brought him back to earth when it buzzed with tylers text tone.

tyler was home.

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