this sucks

13 3 0

"j-josh?" tyler was scared to turn around. "josh please stop this is not funny."

choke. gag.

"josh!"tyler turned around, and saw josh's hands around his own neck, pressuring his veins to the point where they looked like they were gonna pop. even in the dark, tyler could tell josh's face was a deep purple. josh's eyes were shut tight.

"josh, no!" heart beating fast, he struggled to detach his hands from his neck. using every muscle, tyler finally got josh to stop. he patted josh's face until his eyes fluttered open. by this point tyler was sobbing.

he was sitting on top of josh, pinning his hands down to the bed just to make sure he didn't choke himself again.

"josh you were- you were choking yourself." tyler said. a tear fell from his soft cheek and onto josh's chin.

josh was struggling for breath but he managed to choke out a sorry.

tyler broke down on josh, sobbing into his shoulder.

"what if you had died, what if i couldn't have taken your hands off your neck, you would have fucking died."

"h-hey hey, ty," he lifted tyler's face with a single finger, and stared into his eyes. he wheezed a bit. "i'm okay. sometimes i just get really bad dreams."

and for once josh kissed him first.

tyler smiled a bit into josh's lips and breathed in josh's special smell. he grabbed josh's shirt and bunched it into his hand, holding him closer. he looked straight into his milky brown eyes.

"i love you joshua." he said. and he really felt it. in his chest, his head and his hands. he was bursting with love for josh and it felt so good to finally say it.

josh's breath caught. "i love you ty." he stroked tyler's floofy hair and smiled. tyler fell onto the bed, still pressed against josh. they pulled the covers over themselves and fell asleep.

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