mOmma DUN

10 1 0

trigger warning; rape

ms. dun rifled her hands through her hair, slid her hand past her bruised cheek. her husband was  abusive, an alcoholic, and her son was missing, on top of all that. where was josh? 

in her bed on an early saturday morning, laura dun wondered if there was even a point to calling the police for josh. or for herself.

there was literally no point in calling the police because tomorrow was josh's eighteenth birthday. tomorrow. she was shaking, her hands were clammy, and she felt like she was about to vomit. if they didn't find him today, would they even work after tomorrow? 

she could tell he was there because of the hot whiskey breath running down her neck, making her skin prickle. his hand slid around her waist, and a tear rolled down her cheek. 

don't touch me. 

"laurrraaa..." he said, his hand sliding into her underwear. 

"bill, im not in the mood." she swatted his hand away.

josh's father moved over her like a snake. "yes you are. at least, you will be." 

no, no, no.

and he started and it hurt so bad. and she wanted him to stop. but he wouldn't until he finished, and then laura went into her bathroom, bleeding and crying. she felt as if she was on the brink of death, the pain was so much. she sat down on the tile floor next to the toilet and locked the door.

she picked up her phone and dialed 911. 

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