Dear Diary (18th February 2014)

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18th of February. 2014

Dear Diary

Last night, we all went to the park and just hang out! It was so fun! I can't believe I took this entire week to pass the time with my new friends. Except for Liebe. She said she had to go back with her brother and left us. At least there won't be anyone to bully me.

Fenn said that we should all share rooms since we can't use the others yet. We didn't mind, and all of us are living within the three last floors. On the top one is Fenn and Hunter. They didn't give us reasons yet, but I'm starting to get suspicious.. Anyway, Hunter will be our mom/friend and Fenn our father/friend.

On the floor below theirs, there's Blue and Vulx, and on the last floor Alex and I. Blue didn't seem to like that tho, she was pouting when Fenn explained his reasons. I totally agree with him with this. I mean, what if one of us, the boy's, get drunks or even the two? We'd rape our roommate and that's not good at all, considering everyone's past.

Anyway, I still go to school and don't plan of dropping off, so I have to go back tomorrow, Wednesday..

I've skipped too long and if I don't go back, they'll kick me out.

Also, Fenn offered to come to school and tell them that he was now my new Father since my original one's a douche, but where would we get the papers from? What if they look in the system? Fenn's a few years older than me, but he doesn't look like it. So I've come with the idea of letting things as they are and just come quickly over here after school.

He was doubtful but agreed.

I like how he respects my decisions.


I stretched tiredly, feeling pops on my back. I smile and take a deep breath, taking in my new house's scent, a habit I've created. "Mm.. Don't move..." Alex groans and snuggles to the pillow. "It's too early.." He complains and I chuckle

"I'm preparing breakfast today for everyne so I have to wake up early" I say smiling. Alex nodded in his sleep, and pulled the covers over his head "And you're helping me"

"What? No!" He groaned annoyed "I'm sleeping!"

"Not for long, come on" I say smiling and jump off my bed. I walk towards the curtains and pull them back, the light instantly came inside the room.

"Close the curtains.." Alex complained turning, still hiding his face. I chuckled and stared back at the sky. Something shinny shot into my eyes, making me yelp and look away

"Ouch.." I rub my eyes annoyed and I hear a chuckle. I gaze up and see Alex sitting on the bed, blocking the sun' slight with a pillow

"That's why, we don't open our curtains until it's 12am. We have way too many shinny things around the building"

"You could have told me earlier!" I whined.

"I did tell you to close the curtains, didn't I?" He said smirking. I roll my eyes and chuckle.

"Ok, let's go"I say and close the curtains. Alex sighed and slowly walked off the bed. "Hurry up!" I say excited "It's my first time making breakfast, hurry!" I say and run outside my room towards the kitchen.

"Yeah, yeah.." Alex groaned and dragged his feet until he reached the kitchen and sat, leaning on the counter. "So, Cry, how did you sleep last night?"

'Pretty good, you?"

Alex shrugged and closed his eyes, leaning on his palm as his elbow was resting on the counter. "Why's that?"

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