BONUS - Truth or Dare?

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"C'mon Danny, let's play it!" Blue chirped. Vulpix started smiling widely, already knowing what was Blue's intention.

"No" Danny said firmly, staring at her phone as she texted a friend. A smirk crossed her face, making Blue frown slightly.

"Why you smiling?"

"I just have some weird friends" Dan chuckled and slid her phone into her skinnies before staring back at Blue "I don't like playing Truth or Dare.. Don't you have videogames? I'd gladly play if you did" Vulpix chuckled but stopped when her phone went off.

"Excuse me" She said gently and answered her phone as she walked away, giving Blue a wink.

The Dj blushed and sighed "It'll be fun, I promise"

"You don't sound so convinced" Danny said, staring into Blue's eyes. She looked away, blushing some more "Why you blushing?" Blue glared at her, making her chuckle "Aright fine, let's play"

"Ok" Blue smiled and sat next to the girl with asymmetrical hair "Truth or Dare?"


Blue thought for a while until something came up,to her mind. "I dare you to prank one of your friends" Danny chuckled and slid her phone out

"Let's see..." She scrolled down the list and then Blue pointed at a name.

"Call that one" Danny shrugged and pressed call. She then put it in loud so Blue would hear.

It rang three times before it was answered. Danny smirked and opened her mouth to say something but some weird feeling stopped her.

"I think I told you lots of times before not to call at this fucking hour" A voice growled "what is it?"

"Don't be angry but.." Danny chuckled nervously.

"What. Is. It?"

"Is this Lecooo~?" Soon the beep sounded. Blue laughed

"Why was he so angry?"

"Let me check the ho-Oh.." Danny sighed and threw the phone away "What, what is it?"

"It's 1 am.. She comes back from work and then.. She has fun with her girlfriend......" Blue tilted her head to aside innocently.

"What kinda fun?" Danny blinked astonished before she laughed her ass off.

"Seriously?!" She laughed, holding her sides. Blue pouted and crossed her eyes.


"They. Have. Sex. Is it that hard to get?" Danny laughed.

Blue blushed crimson red and stuttered, "B-But.. They're both f-females.. How?" Danny thought for a while and then smirked.

"You want to know how? I can show it to you" Danny smirked pervertedly and crawled on top of Blue. The girl blushed as her eyes widened.

"N-No, thank you" She said nervously looking away.

"Truth or Dare, Blue"


"Chose.. Truth or Dare?"


Danny smirked like the Cheshire Cat and leaned "Are your lips Virgin?" Blue's eyes widened.


"Say the Truth"

"Y-Yeah.. Truth or Dare?" The girl stuttered, trying her best to focus on anything but Danny on top of her with a flirtatious grin on her face .


"Are you a virgin..?" Danny stopped and her face went to the neutral expression it always was "No" She crawled off and sat across her cross legged. "Truth or Dare"

"I'm scared but.. Dare"

Danny rubbed her chin and then smiled "I dare you to kiss me"

"W-Wha?!" Blue's face was as red as a tomato, her eyes as wide open as the full moon "You can pretend I'm Cry, it's fine"

"W-Why?" Blue asked.

"Because you like Cry so-"

"No, not that.." Blue looked away in embarrassment "Why do you want me to k-kiss you?" Danny shrugged and closed her eyes, leaning on her hand.

"It's ok if you don't, I get it-" It was Danny's turn now to blush and open her eyes in shock. Blue had leaned and was kissing her shyly. Danny couldn't help but smile and kissed her back. When Danny lifted her hands to hold Blue's hips, the girl had pulled away and covered her face with her hands and knees to hide her flushed cheeks.

Danny chuckled and ruffled her hair "Thanks" Blue gazed up at her cutely. "Truth or Dare?" Blue had asked in a low voice as she scooted closer to Danny. "Truth"

"Who's your crush?"


"Y-Yeah.. You must have one.." Danny thought for a while before shrugging her shoulder.

"I don't have one"

"But if you did, who would it be?"

"If I had a crush Huh..? Mm.. It'd be you" Danny said softly with a shy smile.


"Truth or Dare?"


"Another dare? Let's see.. French kiss with..." Blue blushed furiously and before Danny would continue, she grabbed Danny's shirt and pulled her in for a kiss. Danny instantly closed her eyes and kissed back. She lightly bit down on Blue's lower lip, but the girl shut her lips tightly. Danny chuckled and pulled away "Open your mouth.." Blue sighed and did as told. Danny cupped her chin and brought their faces together. Her tongue slid into Blue's mouth and then she swirled it around her tongue.

Blue closed her eyes tightly, feeling something weird inside her stomach flutter. The need of touching Danny appeared, but she was way too embarrassed to do so.

Danny finally pulled away and softly laughed at Blue's expression "why did you kiss me?" She asked,

"Wasn't that what you were going to dare me?"

Danny shook her head "I was going to make you make out with Cry.." Blue blushed and hugged her knees. Danny chuckled and rubbed her back "If you like Senpai, just say it"

"Danny!" Blue couldn't be more red. Danny laughed and nodded "Fine, my turn.. I chose dare"

".. K-Kiss..."

"With who?" Blue looked away embarrassed and played with her thumbs.

"M-me.." Danny blushed lightly and cupped Blue's chin "Sure" She closed the distance between them and kissed her softly. Blue found herself moving closer to Danny, but she didn't mind since the kissing felt good.

Danny bit her lower lip, so Blue opened her mouth to let their tongues wrestle. Danny's hands snaked to Blue's waist and lulled her closer. Blue wrapped her arms around her neck and tilted her head to a side to deepen the kiss. Danny leaned on the wall and pulled Blue even closer than before.

Blue pulled away from the need of air, panting heavily. Danny's breathing was heavy too but she wasn't gasping for air like Blue "Truth or Dare?" Danny asked


"Do you enjoy our kisses?" Blue nodded with her head down "Truth or Dare"


"Do you?"

"Mhm, you're a good kisser" Danny winked with a flirtatious smile "Truth or Dare?"


"Would you.. Perhaps .. Like to go further than just kissing?"

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