Dear Diary - The End

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~Two weeks later~

"Suitcases, done. Cleaning, done. Snacks.." The brunette turned and saw a small bag with snacks and mostly sour patch kids candies inside. He nodded and checked in his clipboard. "Done."

"Baby, everything's packed and done.." Felix mumbled, resting his head on Cry's shoulder. The brunette sighed and put the clipboard down on the bed. "I'm sorry, it's just that.."

"I know, don't worry" Felix said smiling and kissed his boyfriend's cheek. Cry flushed and turned to peck Felix's lips lovingly.

"Guys, excuse me" A slightly deep voice said. The couple turned and smiled at the raven haired man with red and green streaks. The color was fading now, meaning he needed to dye his hair again.

"Fenn wants to have a talk with everyone before you two leave."

Felix nodded and tapped Cry's shoulder. "Let's go" the brunette nodded. Taking a deep breath he shuffled towards the basement's door, tracing behind his blond boyfriend and his black haired friend.

Once they were up the stairs, they shuffled out of the building. Everyone was there, including Bryan and a guy next to him. He had golden eyes and the same dirty blond hair Felix had. "Hey" Everyone greeted them and gathered around a hole on the lawn.

"As you guys know.." Fenn begun "Ryan and Felix here are leaving and going to live together in Englad." Everyone nodded, smiling at the couple "But they're not the only ones who are leaving this building which we came to represent our home, but everyone. Hunter and I are moving to L.A.." He said and smiled at his girlfriend. She smiled back, holding her baby close to her heart.

"Danny, Blue, Alex and Vulx are going to live with more people on a big house.."

The mentioned four smiled.

"Lizzy and Liebe are moving to their own apartment.."

Lizzy smiled at Liebe and reached to kiss her cheek. But Liebe dodged. Lizzy pouted and Liebe pecked her lips quickly, making all of us giggle to ourselves.

"Bryan and company never lived here so I don't know.." Fenn said smirking at Bryan. Bryan rolled his eyes. The golden haired man beside him chuckled and rubbed Bryan's arm, causing him to blush.

"But, nonetheless.. We are all leaving our refuge. The home we created and assimilated as much as we could to a perfect family. We had the parents, the hyped daughter.." He said pointed at Vulx who giggled "The cheerful singer, and the Dj.. The bully and the bullied.." Everyone chuckled. Felix nudged Cry and whispered "You bullied me so hard."


"The lustful guy, the meanie and the sweet.. We all conformed a beautiful family. We had our ups and down, we had our fights, but we specially shared our love and worry for each other.

As any other family, there's that time which comes when everyone has to go and form their own family, but that won't change the fact that we are one, so never forget each other. We are here for every single one of us."

They group of people nodded. Some smiling, some crying.

"So, since you two have your flight pretty soon, let's leave the sad stuff away!" Fenn laughed, everyone following. "And, let's dig a time capsule, so when we all forget our family, we come back to our home, dig it out and remember all the good stuff."

"We'll have to dig it back in? Because that's too much work.." Felix whined. Everyone chuckled, but Cry only giggled. His boyfriend was being silly again.

"Bryan will do that for us." Fenn shrugged. Everyone nodded and looked into the hole, well more like a rectangular hole.

"So, everyone, bring something that says who you are and describes you the most. Something you want to give and save for someone, for one of us in this group." Danny said smiling. Everyone nodded and ran to the house to get something.


"Everyone has everything?"




Fenn clapped and brought a box out.

"From the oldest to the youngest" Fenn stated. Everyone agreed and so, Vulx stepped first. He put an empty Nutella jar with her name written on it with many colors and crayons. For, she has always drawn anything that came to her mind on the walls. Fenn would always have to clean them but long gave up on it.

Liebe placed a SIM card while Lizzy a big ribbon.

Alex and Danny then stepped to the box. Alex placed a photo of him, while Danny placed one of her medals for winning music competitions along with an empty game box that read L4D2.

Cry, Felix and Blue stepped and placed their things inside. Cry placed a black notebook many people had seen him writing on all the time, Felix placed an old headphone he long didn't use with a small box and Blue did the same, only hers where blue with light blue lines that formed letters that read: 'The Blue Dj'

Then Fenn stepped with Hunter. Red was sleeping soundly on her mom's chest. Fenn put inside a small car ornament and Hunter placed a photo of her family with Fenn and Red. They had payed them a visit which influenced in them moving to a better place for Red.

Bryan tossed a dirty Ds inside and then they buried the box after covering it with plastic.

Placing a small sign on the tree before the puddle of dirt that read.

'Here lays the time Capsule of the BurntBuildingFamily. Open when necessary or with everyone in 10 years.'

~Cry's POV~

Everyone walked away. Hugging and saying their goodbyes to each one of us in the group. Felix and I stayed behind, me staring at the puddle that contained a box, which held one of my most important diaries in my life.

It's that one diary I wrote about Felix, my dad and what he did, my new family, the problems, the beating, the dating, the.. Smut.. The 'everything' of my life. If. Ever get to forget Felix's love, I want to read my diary again and revive the love we shared. There are also a few notes and draws in there about us. Felix made the notes for me and I saved them there. I made the draws when I was on bed, not able to move.

"Cry, let's go" Felix smiled at me. I nodded and looked back up at the building before murmuring a small:

"Goodbye, I'm leaving."

Felix kissed my cheek and squeezed my hand. He knew how attached I was to this building, because like Fenn said, we all came here, looking for home and a family. We had our memories here, and most of our stuff is still there, only covered with white sheets so the dust wouldn't get to the furniture.

He held my hand and we made our way to a black car,

To start our new life..


The End


Lame ending. So sorry about that. Anyways! Thanks for sticking up with this story, I'm very grateful for the many reads and votes you guys gave me, cheering me up to keep writing. Thank you all a lot, really!

Also, can you see the last scene as an anime ending one? Because I do! And then it looks good.

About the side story with Bryan's and Stephano's part. Do you really want to read it? If you do, leave in the comments below, I'll make sure to check them out. I honestly don't think there should be because that's.. I don't know, I'm lazy.


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