Dear Diary (24th April 2014)

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24th of April, 2014

Dear Diary

I feel so happy! Felix and I kissed, and to top it all, we're dating now! Words can't explain my feelings, that's for sure. Felix apologised about the beating, and then he explained me what happened. I understood and forgave him, like I have several times before. You see, while I was on my bed, not able to sit, Felix would sit on the ledge and tell me stories and made me catch up with what happened. He even made me the favour to arrest my father and make me meet my brother again!

Brother you say?

Yes, I have a brother! He's adopted, but I don't think so. I like to think brother and I were lost when little so when mom finally found him, she brought him to me. Sadly, nor him not my mother could stay with my father and I, no one told me why. But I was happy to receive a few letters from both, most from him. They stopped coming when he went to his university in California. We could have visited him, but we were running out of money because of my dad's alcoholic problem. His name's Bryan, and he's five years older than me. He's tall, sweet, caring and a total goof.

He pretends to be a mean bastard, but he just does it to protect the others.

What's weird, is that Bryan is recently staring at Felix. At first I thought it was because he was jealous, so I told Blue, but she told me that she saw him staring at Felix too when I wasn't around.

Anyways! I can now walk peacefully. Even tho I still stumble, the pain isn't there anymore.

Also, can I ask you something?

Why when we were socks everything's fine, but when you're bare feet, smaller finger suddenly decides to suicide?

It hurts.

A knock on the door made me snap close my journal. I stared and through the door, I saw Felix's face slowly peeking from the doorframe "Hey" he greeted. I sighed in relief and put the diary a side.

"Oh it's just you.."

"What do you mean it's just me?" Felix asked arching a brow as he approached my bed and sat down. I chuckled and ruffled his hair "Nothing"

Felix laughed and pulled me in for a hug. I smiled and leaned on him completely, taking in his scent. My hands rested on his chest, just below my head, my hair was messy so I hope it doesn't poke him or anything, and his arms were wrapped around me protectively. "Hey Cry" he whispered soothingly on my ear. I hummed in response, but he lifted my face to face him and he then proceeded to plant a sweet kiss upon my lips.

I blushed and kissed back shyly. The cute kisses then turned into making out. Felix bit my lip so I opened my mouth. His tongue slid in and started swirling around mine, almost like tongue wrestling. I pulled away and gasped for air while Felix silently laughed at me.

"Out of breath already?" He asked with a smug grin. I smacked his arm playfully and saw him stand. "Come on, let's do something together." He offered me his hand. I smiled widely and reached for his hand.

"Sure thing"

~Time Skip~

We ran across the field, giggling and laughing. Our sides hurt and our lungs burned, but we couldn't help it. Running with water guns is fun!

"Got you!" I screamed and splashed water on his face. Felix screamed half laughing and lifted his gun.

"Now I got you!" He yelled with victory raising his gun at me. I screamed and ran.

"You'll never get me wet!" I taunted.

"Oh yeah?!"

I stopped on halt an turned smirking cockily. "Yes!"

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