Dear Diary (21st February 2014)

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21st of February. 2014

Dear Diary

Felix is not the same anymore..

I walked intro he school happily, almost skipping steps as I walked towards my class. I really enjoyed this week and two days! And I bet I'll enjoy the rest of my life with these awesome people around me. I mean, they're supporting me and giving me the love my father never gave to me.

"Move you idiot" A thick voice yells at me. I turned and saw Felix standing there, a frown present on his face.

"Felix..?" I ask and smile.

"Do I know you?" He hissed. I yelped

"Y-Yeah.. B-Biolo--"

"Ohh, right, I remember now!" I smiled from noticing how his voice suddenly turn sweet and his eyes showed happiness "You're the scumbag that kept staring at me!"

.. What ... ?

"Move the fuck away dude! You're blocking the fucking way" He yelled and pushed me to the lockers with his arm. My back crushed against the locker, making me wince in pain. "Fucking pussy" Felix rolled his eyes and walked away. Everyone stared at me, some worried, some saying I deserved it from standing in his way.

I was just so shocked I couldn't process anything.

That wasn't Felix..

~Time Skip~

I finished writing my homework for tomorrow and rest my head on the table. "Alright class, that will be all for today, pick up your things and wait for the bell to go off" The teacher said.

Then, everyone turned and talked with their pals. Except for me of course. Felix was sitting next to me, texting someone. I sighed, straightened and decided to stuff my things inside my bag.

"Stop making noise, you're annoying me" Felix growled. I flinched from his rough voice and nodded.

"S-Sorry" Felix cocked his head and then slid down his sit, stuffing his phone inside his pocket.

"You're staring" Felix glanced back at me.

I was..?

"Sor-" The bell rang, cutting me off. Felix shot up and walked towards the door. A guy with black hair stood infront of Felix while walking backwards as talking with his friend. Felix frowned and kicked the boy.

"Get off my fucking way" He hissed and kicked the boy's gut before walking away, disappearing into the hallway.

"Are you ok?" His friends instantly ran towards his buddy and helped him up. "Y-Yeah" the boy coughed. His friends immediately when to speak with the teacher but he player dumb.

This isn't Felix..

~More Time Skip~

I walked towards the School's Theater. I need to be myself again, let everything out. I saw the doors and I smiled. It's been so long since the last time I've been here. "Fina-- what's this?" A paper.

I took it and read it out loud

The Drama Club has been closed from lack of actors and actresses, therefore no plays will be performed so this doors won't open again 'till next year. Mr. Hellsinn & Principal.


"Hello, Mr. Terry" A gentle voice said. I turned and smiled, an old man with grey eyes stood before me "Mr. Hellsinn!"

"How are you doing?"

"I'm good, how about you, Sir?"

"Tired.. Ever since the club was closed, I had to make sure every teenager left the school before closing"

"Oh yeah.. Why did it close?"

"Everyone left"

"Why?" Mr. Hellsinn chuckled and shook his head "Remember when I said how everyone joined just to be as good as you?"

"Yeah" I smiled. The moment he's talking about was about our very first play, one where I had to do every role.. Everyone saw me and were just too amazed and decided to join too. I said I'd leave, because the people that joined were better than me but Mr. Hellsinn said I shouldn't and told me how everyone always joined saying they wanted to perform like me. I was so happy I decided to stay, even tho it meant beating from my father when I got back home.

"You left, and so did everyone.. Little by little.. After you "Dark Knight" play, you left us.."

"I'm sorr-"

"People stopped coming to see us perform. Did you know that last week was our Valentines play?"

Oh shit. I completely forgot about that!


"You left us, Ryan"

"I'm sorry! I didn't me--"

"I have to check if everyone leaves. Make sure to close the door before you leave, alright?"

~Felix's POV~

I leaned on the wall, thinking of how my scores had decreased lately. My parents yelled at me because of that but now they're not there to do that.

"Felix, you there?" Lacie waved her hand infront of me. I glanced at her and nodded. "Dude, stop spacing out!"

"Ok" I sighed and sat on the floor. Lacie groaned and dismissed Alesa. She sighed and called Benjamin&Jimmy who were kicking cans.

"What's wrong?" Lacey asked, sitting down next to me.

"He came back"


"Ryan. Who else?!" I yelled. She looked away angrily.

"I'm sorry 'boss'"

Yes. In just a week I became head of this crew. I totally hated how they treated people so my first thought was to casually makes them stop. Now I've gotten used to it, now I'm like them.

"I can't get rid of this feeling" I groaned annoyed and closed my eyes.

"How about.." Lacey said with her usual wicked tone. I smirked, knowing she had an idea in mind ".. We play a game"

"What game?"

"Hunt the emo"

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