1: Trouble in Fairytail

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My name is Gray Fullbuster, I am the prince of Magnolia and live in the city of Fairytail.

I have an extremely important role, after all I am the prince and my father is King Celestial.


Natsus POV

My name is Natsu Dragneel, I'm a rouge that lives in the underground sewers of the city of Fairytail in Magnolia, I live with my friends Wendy, Gajeel, Laxus, Sting, Rouge and Cobra, we make up the rouge group of Mages, the Dragon slayers.

We don't have a very good relationship with the royal family.

The six of us sprint through the city with a few of the Royal nights on our tail, Freed, Evergreen, Erza and Jellal to be exact, we've gotten pretty close.

I grab a barrel and hurl it back at them but sadly Erza just slices it in half with her sword,

"Your not getting away this time!" Erza yells
"But remember that's what you said last time!" I yell back cockily.

Suddenly we all brake away and head down different alley ways like we had planned, Wendy and Laxus went one way, Cobra and Gajeel another, and Sting and Rouge climbed the side of a building, I took a sharp turn with Erza right behind me.

I let out a loud laugh as I as I take another turn but before I could make it out I suddenly smashed into an invisible barrier with No dragon slayers on it and I growled 'Freed' before jumping up and spinning around just as Erza come around the corner, a smirk on her face.

"What's wrong Dragon slayer, tired already?" Erza asked cockily
"I'm just getting started!" I yell at her before my fists catch fire and I lunge at her, she jumps sideways and I miss as she transforms into her Wingblade armour.

I spin around and jump in the air "Fire Dragon, Roar!" I yell and cup my hands around my mouth and fire shoots out, Erza dodges and jumps in the air, her leg comes soaring towards my face and I manage to block it at the last minute but she kicks again and hits me in the side.

I fly side ways and smash into a building, blood flys out my mouth and soon her fist smashes into my face followed by a kick in the stomach, I lie on my stomach and look up at her with a smirk

"Is that all you got?" I ask
Erza smirks "I've had orders not to kill you and trust me your gonna prefer to be dead soon,"

I'm about to ask her what she means but suddenly the handle of her sword comes flying into my head and everything goes black.

-------------------------------- time skip

I wake up in a cold, damp, and weird looking cell, my hands are shackled to long chains that connect to the corners of the cell, keeping my arms spread apart and my feet barely manage to stay flat on the ground.

I drop my head down but wince slightly as pain throbs through the back of my brain, I don't care where the hell I am but I have to get out.

I jump slightly as the door suddenly flys open and my eyes widen as I see who walks in: King Celestial.

"Natsu Dragneel, I'm sure that you know who I am so there's no point in introductions, anyway, because of your crimes you will be punished but I'm not planning on killing you, you could be useful as I servant, but if you do not agree to what I say you will be forced in stead."

At first I'm too shocked to speak but I smirk at him,

"Number 1. Thanks for the compliment and 2. I'm a lot stronger than you may think, there's no way that you can force me to do anything!" I yell

The King narrows his eyes at me "I gave you a chance, remember that," he turned on his heels and marched out of the door before a man comes in and ties a blindfold over my eyes,

"Hey what's with the blind fold?!" I yell and thrash around, I stop as I hear footsteps enter the room and someone walks behind me,

"Hey! You gonna answer m-" I'm cut short as u gasp as something smacks against my back and searing pain burns across it.

"My name is Brain, oh Salamander we are going to have so much fun together," he said evilly,
"Ooh what's this?" He asked and I felt my scarf begin to slide off my neck, my hands light up on fire "Don't touch tha-!" I try to yell but choke as the whip cracks and slices my back and the flame goes out on my hands like a boot standing on a match.

Brain rips the rest of my scarf off my neck and the cold bites at my now open skin and I growl,

"I want to hear you scream!" He yells, the whip begins to slice my back repeatedly, my shoulders tense up and on the fourth hit a scream erupts from my throat, I begin to thrash around against the chains as I try to escape the pain on my back.

This is going to be hard, help me.

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