14: traitor

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Grays POV ( 2 days after the Brain problem)

I sat at my desk staring at the hole in my window, Natsu was in the kitchen working and then he has to go clean or something so I don't think I'll be seeing him much today.

I sighed and lay my face onto the smooth wood of my desk, slowly closing my eyes and relaxing until I heard a knock at the door,

"Come in!" I yelled without raising my head, the door opened and someone walked in and pulled up a chair.

I finally looked up and saw Erza sitting next to me staring down at her lap,

"You ok Erza?" I asked and she shook her head,
"No. I'm not...something is happening to this kingdom...it's not like the sanctuary it used to be and now most of us servants are scared, someone has been going around and searching for anyone with doubting thoughts about King Celestials reign and yesterday...they took Jellal." She whispered the last part and my eyes widened, EVERYONE in the kingdom knows how inseparable Jellal and Erza are.

I pulled her into a hug, she began to sniffle slightly and I was getting tempted to tell her about the Fairy fighters,

"I'm sorry Prince Gray, it was selfish for me to come to you." Erza apologised and wiped a few tears away form her eyes
"Don't be Erza, you don't always have to be the loyal knight in shining armour. Your my friend." I smiled encouragingly.

Erza smiled back "Thank you...Gray."
We stayed there smiling at each other for a while until Erza stood up, stretched and walked towards the door,
"Thank you for that Gray," she said kindly and I nodded
"It was nothing, bye, stay safe." I said with a smile, Erza turned and opened the door but before she left she turned around again.

"Oh yeah sorry for almost killing Natsu, I was a bit quick to judge and Natsu and I haven't had the...smoothest past." She apologised and I waved my hand in the air,
"It fine. He's fine." I said and she smiled before leaving and closing the door behind her.

Is it really true? Someone's tracking the doubting minded workers?

Natsus POV

I had finished my kitchen shift about an hour and now I was sweeping the castle and man I was tired, I leaned against one of the walls and took a breather when I realised something...it's so quiet.

I frowned and looked around, now that I think about it, it has been pretty quiet around the castle lately and there's been less maids and butlers running around the servants quarters...

"So you've noticed, Natsu?" A voice suddenly asked and I pushed away from the wall, my eyes searching for the voices answer until the scent suddenly hit my nose, it took me a few seconds to process it but then I realised it..it smelt bitter and stung my nose slightly...like poison.

"C-Cobra?" I asked the air, a dark chuckle replied from all around me, I felt a hand on my shoulder and I spun around to be greeted by a dangerous smirk stuck to the face of Cobra himself.

My eyes widened and I was about to back away then I realised- Cobra was the one to take away one of my only sources of comfort and friends! I growled and threw my fist towards his face.

Cobra looked shocked by my sudden outburst and I hit him square in the jaw. Cobra stumbled back before regaining his composure, he lunged back at me and I quickly blocked his attack.

This went on for about twenty seconds later, I hit him an he hit me a few times each until he managed to pin me against the wall with one hand pinning my arms above my head and his other arm pressed against my throat.

I grunted and glared at him as I tried to escape his grasp, Cobra only smirked at me being entertained by my struggling and pressed harder against my neck until it got hard to breath.

I stopped struggling and started gasping for air instead as I tried to claw at his hand restraining my arms,

"Hush Natsu, if you relax and don't struggle I won't leave any scars~" Cobra said evilly and as I stopped struggling he slowly moved his arm away from my neck.

Instead, Cobra moved his hand up to his other and intertwined his finger with mine- wait...what's going on here?!

No ones POV

Cobra smirked at Natsu, lust in his eyes as he stared into Natsus scared black orbs.

Cobra quickly leaned forward and planted his lips on Natsus, Natsu tightly squeezed his eyes shut not wanting any of this.

Cobra slid his tongue across Natsus bottom lip asking for entrance but Natsu didn't oblige an clenched his jaw, Cobra growled slightly and his hand moved down to Natsus inner thigh and he groped it roughly.

Natsu gasped in pleasure and Cobras tongue slid into his mouth and explored his mouth hungrily.

Cobra pressed himself against Natsus body as his hand continued to grope his thigh as lust hung around his body like a strong aurora and soon... Natsu caved.

Natsu began to kiss back as pleasure overwhelmed his body and his mind became clouded, he forgot about the fact that Cobra was a traitor, that what he was doing was bad and he forgot about Gray.

Natsu and Cobras make-out session continued and heated as the two blocked out everything around them and a rely even stopped to catch their breaths...

They didn't notice the other boy came down the hallway.

They didn't notice his eyes widen and breath stop.

They didn't notice the tears fall onto the ground.

They didn't notice the boy turn on his heel and sprint away.

They didn't notice the boys heart shattering.

And Natsu didn't notice that he had snapped his lovers heart in two.


Sorry about that...

Anyway! I rewrote the second half of this chapter as you can tell!

And wow what a way to thank you guys for 3K, Natsu cheats on Gray...


Hope you liked it, I wanted to add more drama! >:3


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