11: Cold night

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Grays POV

I sat on the window sill with my arms wrapped around Natsu, he had fallen asleep a while ago and his bangs covered his eyes as his head rested on my chest.

My eyes were still glued to the hickeys and 'love' bites that swarmed his neck and shoulders, the marks that weren't caused by me, I managed to tear my eyes away from them and stared out the window into the crisp, dead night.

The darkness had always comforted me, I guess it reminded me of my mother, her name was Ur and she was that greatest Mage to ever live, well, in my eyes at least.
Ur had gone missing a long time ago, I knew that there were problems between her and my father but I didn't think much of it. I had an older brother too, his name was Lyon and man he was amazing too!

A small smile glossed my face as I thought of them, Ur was the best teacher we could ever have asked for but one day...everything changed...

My father and Ur got into a big fight, I remember that me and Lyon watched in distress as they yelled at each other, Lyon wrapped his arms around me and comforted me when suddenly my father lashed out at Ur and smacked her in the face making her fall over.

Lyon instantly ran over to protect my mother while I stood there in shock, the rest was a blur as an all-out fight started and guards ran in, I was dragged away as they swarmed my mother and brother, I screamed and struggled against them but they was too strong, I heard Lyon yelling my name as he struggled to reach me and as the doors slammed shut I heard a strangled scream escape him followed by my yelling mother and a massive ice explosion went off before I was knocked out.
I touched a hand to my cheek and felt something wet before realising that I had been crying, I wiped my eyes with my sleeve and Natsu stirred slightly before waking up with a yawn, Natsu turned around and frowned when he saw me struggling to get rid of the tears.

He gently grabbed my wrist and pulled my hand to look at my face, Natsu stared into my eyes with concern flooding his own,

"Why are you crying Gray?" He asked me and chuckled slightly, it's funny how he still worries about why I'm crying yet he's cried more than some people in a life time
"I'm fine Natsu, I was just thinking about something in the past. You don't need to worry." I say rub my thumb across his cheek.

He nodded and turned around again, resting the back of his head on my chest and looking out the window, I fiddled with Natsus hair as we both stared out the window in a comfortable silence until Natsu spoke again,

"I don't want to leave you." My eyes widened slightly in surprise
"Natsu...what do you mean?" Natsu stayed silent for a while before answering
"I-I...I just sense that something is coming soon...I don't know if it's good or bad but they're gonna be unstoppable..." He mumbled the last part slightly and a slight blood-lust filled smirk grew on his face and I shuddered slightly and shifted uncomfortably, deciding not to push any further into the topic.

I kissed the back of Natsus head as we went back to silence...well that was until yelling was heard outside in the garden.

Natsu and I sat up and squinted out the window, our breaths fogging up the cold glass and soon we saw it, outside a girl wearing a cloak was running out of the castle but next to her was a giant...cow?

The girl suddenly turned to us while running, blonde hair escaping the sides of her hood as she raised her arm and shot something at me and Natsu and we ducked out of the way as it smashed through the glass

"Open! Gate of the maiden! Virgo!" The woman yelled and swished a celestial spirit key through the air and a celestial spirit with pink hair dressed as a maid appeared and the bull left as they suddenly disappeared, leaving the dazed guards behind.

The arrow that had been shot through the window had only left a small hole in the glass so Gray carefully tip toed through the glass and picked it up before bringing it back over to Natsu at the windowsill and sat down.

Attached to the arrow was a note do I pulled it off and read it aloud yet quietly so no one other than Natsu could hear,

"Dear Natsu,

I am safe so you don't need to worry, I rejoined with the Dragon Slayers and we are all safe, well, mostly and something big is coming and I mean REAL big.

I promise that we will get you out soon.


-Levy McGarden."

When I looked back at Natsu he had his hands clasped tightly in his lap and his fringe covered his eyes,

"Natsu...are you ok?" I asked and he looked up but to my surprise he had a smile on his face and his eyes were watering.

I pulled Natsu into a tight hug as tears escaped his eyes and he hugged me back,

"They're coming for me! They really are!" Natsu sobbed yet the biggest grin possible was glued to his face, making me smile too.

I pulled away from him and caught his lips in a passionate kiss before pulling away and slowly standing up before picking the note and walking towards the fire place and Natsu followed after me.

I stared at the note for a few seconds before dropping it into the flames, as soon as it lit up a fist suddenly smashed on the door,

"Hide!" I whispered yelled to Natsu and in seconds he ran over to my bed, sliding down onto the floor and scooting under, thankfully disappearing just as the door flew open ad in stormed a monster that goes by the name of Brain.

"Where's my gem?!" He yelled, I clenched my fists and my jaw as my bangs fell over my eyes,

"Natsu is NOT your gem infact...Natsu is Natsu and he is NO ONES gem!" I yelled back and Brain glared at me and was about to yell something we both heard a loud thud from my bed and Brain chuckled darkly

"I knew you had tainted my gem."


Eeeeeeey did you see I made a new cover? Go me!


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