6: Burn marks

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I'm planning to put some ACTUALLY Gratsu in this chapter!
(Future me update: there's a tiny bit on this one but there WILL be more in the next one!)
Also sorry if there's typos, I'm watching Attack on Titan vines X3


Levys POV

I quietly made my way through the vents and out into the garden, sneaking through quickly and soon making it out of the castle and running until I got to the town, running down an alley way and pulling off the top of a manhole.

I climbed down the ladder, closing it behind me before continuing to run through the sewers and soon coming to a door, I knocked on it four time and after a few seconds the door opened and Wendy and Gajeel appeared with hope in their eyes but sadly it faded once they saw that it was just me... Not Natsu.

"Come in, Pipsqueak." Gajeel said and Wendy elbowed him in the stomach and I smiled slightly before walking in, Wendy shut the door and all of the Dragon slayers except for Sting an Rouge crowded around a table as I began to talk,

"Is Natsu ok?!" Wendy asked eagerly and I looked down sadly
"I wish that I could say yes but...he's almost lost all hope. He's... They tortured him until he finally gave up and just yesterday he began his service...for Prince Gray,"

They all gasped and Cobra hissed
"So he betrayed us?!" Making Gajeel and Wendy yell at him
"Of course not!" Yelled Wendy
"Didn't you just hear?! They tortured him!" Gajeel yelled and I flinched.

I looked down at my watch,
"I've got to go soon, my shift starts soon and I left Natsu alone,"

"Oh ok...thank you for coming Levy." Wendy said with a small smile before she suddenly jumped up and ran over to a cupboard and grabbed a bottle before coming back over,
"Here, use this on any of Natsus wounds." She said and I gratefully and took the bottle and turned around before heading out.

I suddenly felt someone grab my hand and I turned to see Gajeel
"Thank you...for looking after Natsu," he said, avoiding my eyes and I blushed slightly before smiling and lightly pulling my hand away, I carefully opened the door and looked around before leaving and pulling the hood of my cloak up over my face.

No ones POV

Natsu suddenly awoke with a start, sitting up sharply in his bed as meh looke around with ragged breaths and winced in pain as he got out of bed, he looked around the room with fear swirling into him as he noticed that Levy wasn't there, he sat back down on his bed and gripped his hair.

Stop being so weak he thought and stood up before getting dressed, trying to ignore the pain and opened the door before leaving and closing it behind him. By now all of the other maids and butlers had gone to bed so Natsu quickly walked through the servants quarters and made it out to the dead quiet hallways.

Angrily Natsu clenched his fists and attempted to light them on fire but his eyes widened as nothing happened, fear filled him and he felt light headed, he stumbled around and soon crashed to the ground.

Nearby one of the doors opened and a figure came out but Nasu didn't hear as he sat up, rubbing his head he suddenly froze as he heard a noise behind him and jumped up, turning around he saw a massive servant with white hair and a scar on his face ran at him (Elfman) and punched him in the face, sending Natsu flying backwards and making his back skid across the ground and opening up some of his wounds.

Elfman mercilessly picked up the weak Natsu and slung him over his shoulder and carrying him back to the room

"Where are you taking me?!" Natsu yelled
"No! What's going on?!"
Elfman angrily pulled Natsu away and slammed him into the wall by his shoulders making him winded before taking him into the room and closing the door, some other people came over and grabbed Natsu but it was to dark to see and Natsu was forcefully slammed into a chair and his hands were tied tightly behind his back.

Natsus breath began to pick up,
"H-Hey what going o-?!" He yelled but was cut off when someone shoved a cloth in his mouth and he growled trying to hide a small whimper, soon his eyes widened as he suddenly saw a glow in the corner of the dark room as one of the figures picked up a metal bar with a burning red fairy tail symbol on the end.

Natsu began to struggle against his restraints as tears welled in his eyes as they got closer but two other people held him down to stop him from struggling

"You see, Dragon slayer, we have a...tradition here," he said slowly and one of them ripped off Natsus shirt sleeve and took off the bandages before holding the burning metal near his shoulder and he struggled harder as tears fell from his eyes.

"I'll count to three, one...two-" he suddenly forcefully pressed it against his shoulder forcefully and and a agonising scream erupted from Natsus throat, the gag almost falling out, he stomped his feet on the ground repeatedly as he tried to get the burning hot metal away from his arm.

Suddenly the door flew open and the bar dropped to the ground with a bang and all the people in the room sprinted away, the new person ran over to Natsu and untied the bounds before pulling him into a tight hug...his body was cold.

Natsu slowly opened his eyes again, sweat still rolling down his forehead as he whimpered in pain and saw none other than Prince Gray hugging him.

Gray slowly pulled the weak Natsu to his feet and lead him out of the dark room with tears still rolling down Natsus cheeks as he whimpered in pain, Gray took Natsu down the hallways and into his room before sitting him down in his bathroom where Natsu buried his face in his hands, his shoulder red around the freshly burnt Fairy tail mark and future scar, meanwhile Gray rummaged through the cupboards and soon found pain killers and gave them to Natsu who quickly swallowed them.

"Wait here." Gray said and quickly ran out of the bathroom and into the hallway to find Levy and just in time Levy ran out of the servants quarters,
"Levy! I need your help!" He yelled and she quickly ran over and Gray lea her into the bathroom where Natsu sat, still shaking from the pain, Levy skidded on the floor and quickly got to Natsu,

"Those sons of bitches!" She yelled and pulled out the bottle that was hidden under her dress
"Prince Gray, get me tweezers, cotton balls and bandages." She ordered and with a quick nod he ran to the cupboard and pulled them out before giving them to Levy.

Levy quickly poured some of the liquid onto the cotton ball and gently pressed it against the burn wound making Natsu flinch but soon his shoulders relaxed so she put more on, in a few minutes Natsu was leaning against the wall with his eyes closed and tear stains still on his cheeks as Levy bandaged up his arm with a glare on his face and Gray looked at the ground with sadness, all the servants and members of the castle had this done to them but usually the area would be numbed or they would be unconscious...this was just cruel.

Levy soon stood up but kept her eyes on the floor
"I'm sorry for the disturbance Prince Gray," she apologised and bowed down which made Gray sadder,
"Levy, please don't apologise, also, Flame brain over here can stay with me tonight," he said with a small smile and Natsu suddenly mummbled
"Ice princess," in his sleep and thy both chuckled "thank you Price Gray, I'll be back in the morning, if the pain comes back just use that medicine." Levy said before curtsying and leaving.

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