10k reward ;)

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As said before, this is a Gratsu smut one shot.

Thanks for 10k reads, enjoy.


Grays lips connected with Natsus almost instantly as they stumbled into the supply closet, slamming and locking the door behind them.

Gray pressed Natsu against the wall and licked his bottom asking for entrance. In return, Natsu only smirked and shook his head lightly, denying Grays access to his mouth.

Gray growled making Natsu shiver before Gray leaned in and pressed his knee against Natsus member firmly. Natsu gasped and moaned giving Gray the chance to quickly slip his tongue into Natsus mouth.

As Grays tongue searched Natsus mouth he kept on moving his knee around on Natsus now hardening member earning moans and groans from his pink-haired lover.

Natsu buried his hands in Grays hair and tugged on it softly as Grays lips trailed kisses down his jawline and to his neck. He kissed and sucked in different spots until he reached his sweet spot that made Natsu moan Grays name loudly and pull at Grays hair making him smirk.

Gray continued to abuse that spot roughly making Natsu turn into a trembling mess. When he thought that the hickey he left was satisfying he moved downwards.

He slipped off Natsus already unbuttoned shirt and traced a finger teasingly down his chest, he then pinched one of Natsu buds and placed his lips on the other.

Together they slid down the wall, Gray kneeled on all fours and continued to tease Natsus chest. He pulled away one hand started to tug down Natsus pants and Natsu did the same so that soon they were in nothing but their boxers.

Natsu suddenly sat up and pushed Gray over so that he fell onto his back, Natsu slowly crawled over to him and stroked his inner thighs making Gray tremble and moan quietly.

Natsu bent down and skilfully pulled Grays boxers down with his teeth so that his fully erect member could be released from its tent. Gray blushed at the sight and bit his lip.

Natsu slowly took Gray into his mouth and sucked the tip earning a small moan from Gray. Natsu wanted more. He took as much of Gray as he could into his mouth and began to suck, hollowing out his cheeks and bobbing his head quickly.

Gray moaned tugged and at Natsus hair making Natsu moan too, Gray new all of Natsus weak spots and his hair was one of them.

Natsu bobbed his head quickly but occasionally slowed down to drag his teeth up to the tip which would make Gray shiver beneath him.

Gray panted heavily and felt himself coming close but before he could climax Natsu stopped,

"Don't want you getting tired too quickly now do we?~" Natsu purred with a smirk.

Gray pouted at Natsu and pulled him into his lap and his pout turned into a smirk as he remembered something. He pulled down Natsus underwear and revealed Natsus member with a silver cock ring on it.

Natsu blushed looked away bit Gray held his jaw and made him face him while the other pulled off his boxers,

"Did you keep it up there like I asked, pet?~" Gray teasingly asked in a low voice and bit Natsus ear.

Natsu shivered and shakily nodded. Gray looked down to see a white wire sticking out of his hole and Gray tugged on it teasingly,

"Such a good boy, and I know we did a lot of walking today. How did it feel inside you?" Gray asked and began to pull it out.

Natsu moaned loudly, "I-It felt... G-good!" He panted and finally the white vibrator came out.

He took Natsus scarf and tied it across his mouth like a gag to muffle Natsus moans smirked at him.

Gray wrapped the wire around Natsus member and pulled it tightly making him moan and drool on his scarf before he took the controller in one hand an held the vibrator in the other.

He held it against Natsus tip and turned it on to a low setting, three. Natsu immediately straightened up and began to moan into the scarfing held onto Grays shoulders for support.

Gray felt turned on at the sight of Natsu and began to palm himself as he turned the level up by a few at a time. By the time they reached seven Natsu was a moaning mess and his member pulsed around the cock ring.

Gray finally reached over and slowly pulled the cock ring off which made Natsu sigh and calm down but without realising that Gray had turned it up to 10 and began to run it up and down Natsus member.

Only under a minute later Natsu moaned louder than before and released onto Grays chest and stomach but Gray wasn't done with him yet.

He set the vibrator down and removed the gag from Natsus mouth before moving him onto his back, the cold floor made Natsu shiver but all was forgotten later when Gray in serrated a finger into Natsu.

Natsu was already stretched out so he moved quickly and soon he was already scissoring Natsu insides and making him quiver beneath him.

When he was ready Gray lifted his hips  and lined himself with his entrance, slowly Gray pushed himself into Natsu and after Natsus command he began to move.

Gray began to thrust into him and picked up the pace, he lifted Natsus legs above his head so that he couldn't move and continued to hammer into him.

Gray already knew where Natsus prostate was and rammed into as hard as he could. The wave of pleasure that Natsu felt made him choke for a second and go blind.

Gray continued to pound that spot roughly and jerked Natsu with his other hand. Natsus eyes were rolled into the back of his head slightly and his tongue hang out of his mouth as endless moans escaped his throat.

"G-Gray I-I'm-!" Before Natsu could finish he real eased onto his own chest and face. It took Gray  few seconds later before he released deep inside of Natsu making him release a moan one more time.

Gray pulled out and lay down next to Natsu on the stone ground of the closet as they both held hands exhausted.

"I love you, Flam Brain."

"I love you too, Ice princess."

Meanwhile on the other side of the door Wendy and Lucy both lay on the floor with bold pouring from their nosing while Erza stood above them with a proud smirk.

Their ship had sailed into the supply closet and fucked.

You're more than a slave ~ Gratsu ~ COMPLETED!!Where stories live. Discover now