9: not again...

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OMG I'm so sorry! I actually FORGOT about Happy and Charle! What the hell past-me?! Also, I haven't gotten far enough in Fairytail to Gajeel, Sting and Rouges cat thingy a yet so they won't be in it...plus I'm lazy. So um sorry about that I'll either edit them in, in past chapters or just bring them in like they were always here! -.- sorry again my precious readers!


No ones POV

Natsu growled and threw himself at Cobra, only to be quickly grabbed by a group of guards how instantly held back the furious thrashing Natsu.

"Traitor! Your a traitor!" He screamed at Cobra who seemed completely unfazed
"Now, now, Natsu there's no point throwing a tantrum." He hissed with a smirk and took a few steps towards him and stared into his eyes,

"Look how weak you are...can't even fight off a group of guards." He snickered making Natsu angrier but he froze as something dawned on him...Levy. His eyes widened as the guards began to drag him out, he was too stunned to even move or fight back as Cobra grinned wickedly at him.

The guards threw Natsu across the floor roughly making him smack his head on the floor and left him, he stayed still for a few seconds with blood dripping down his face before jumping up an bolting away to find Levy, he heard yelling from far away so he ran towards it before coming out to a hallway.

Levy stood in the hallway holding a massive fish knife with a group of guards around her, she held the knife in a battle stance as a guard charged at her she ducked his sword and skilfully slashed his leg, he cried out in pain as he dropped to the ground, she took down a few more until she saw Natsu.

She smiled sadly and a guard grabbed her arm, pulling her to the ground an making her yelp as her knees hit the ground but Natsu was too shocked to move, Levy took a deep breath and suddenly brought the knife up to her forearm and bravely cut a gash onto her arm and a small metal object fell out.

"Levy!" Natsu yelled as he snapped back to reality and ran towards her, tears escaped her eyes she smiled at Natsu and the guards went to grab her but suddenly an explosion of light and magic energy erupted from Levy, Natsu and the guards were thrown backwards and as he looked up he saw her duck out of the window and and he smiled slightly, knowing that she had gotten away safely but...

"What the hell was that?!" One of the guards yelled as he sat up and Natsu didn't even seem to notice, he just sat there and stared at the smashed window with a small smile on his face, the guard growled and stood up before striding over to Natsu and grabbing his wrist, getting his attention as he yanked him roughly off the ground making him yelp.

"You knew she was a traitor! You knew this was going to happen! You have deceived our king!" He barked and grabbed Natsus shirt collar and began to pull him to the kings office, Natsu tripped and fell to the ground again, the guard growled and kicked him in the side making him yelp before he began to drag him across the floor by the collar.

Natsu gagged as he tried to pull his collar away from his throat with no success as he was dragged across the floor, the guard not caring in the slightest if Natsu was strangled to death by his shirt collar.

He opened the door to the kings office and threw Natsu into the room, Natsu lay on the floor weakly as he tried to get oxygen into his lungs, he could hear the mumbled voices of the guard yelling and looked up to see the king frowning in concentration, but soon they went quiet and the guard was smiling wickedly.

Two guards came over and picked Natsu up before taking him out of the room and down the hallways, Natsu looked around weakly but froze as he saw something that he never wanted to see again on his life...the door to the dungeons.

Natsu instantly began to thrash around and scream as they got closer but they had a firm grip and wouldn't let go, tears ran down Natsus face as they almost reached the door, he was about to relive his worst nightmare.

As they opened the door and began to dragged the struggling Natsu into the dungeon, Gray suddenly ran into the hallway an his eyes widened in fear for Natsu before the door shut and they lazily threw Natsu down the stairs, Natsu crashed down the stone stairs with a groan and slowly sat up before they grabbed him and dragged him across the floor and into one of the chambers.

He struggle to escape their grasp but failed and soon they attached long chains and shackles to his wrist that connected to the corners of the room, Natsu pulled relentlessly at the chains until his wrist began to bleed, the guards left after a few seconds and Natsus head hung low, even when the door opened and only looked up when the figure got close and the cent of him filled his nose making his shoulders shake in fear as none other than Brain stood in front of him.

"I missed you...my dear Natsu..." Brain said slowly as a grin spread across his face, he raised his arm with his bastard whip in hand and soon pain erupted on Natsu side and from then on all you could hear in the dungeon were Natsus screams...

Mean while somewhere else ;)

Levy ran through the alley ways of the town grasping her bleeding arm with blood also dripping down her leg but she wouldn't stop running until she was safe an found Gajeel, she knew that it wasn't safe at their base and that Cobra had betrayed them but she also new that they were smart and they were safe too.

Adrenaline and magic energy coursed through her, she had discovered something dark about the kings way of containing magic- he would inject a device into your arm that would stop you from using magic but she didn't have the chance to tell him. God she was worried about him.

Levy kept running but and heard guards yelling behind her- they were getting close, suddenly a hand grabbed her arm and pulled her into one of the building as she ran past she fell onto the floor and the door shut behind her as fear coursed through her veins but when she looked up happiness and relief flooded her, there stood Gajeel.

He pulled her into a tight hug and tears threatened to spill her eyes,

"I was so worried, Pipsqueak." Gajeel mumbled into her hair before pulling away and noticing her blood arm and leg, another wave of pain hit her and she fell to the floor, Wendy, Charle and Happy ran in from another room and gasped before running over as Gajeel helped her sit up.

"I'm going to have to stitch it up...but we don't have any medical supplies..." Wendy mumbled and Levy quietly wrote 'medical kit' in the air and a box of medical supplies popped out in a puff of smoke and Wendy smiled with glee.

"Your going to be alright, Levy."

"I know that I am but...I have a strong feeling that Natsu isn't."

You're more than a slave ~ Gratsu ~ COMPLETED!!Where stories live. Discover now