15: please...

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OMG while I was writing this I Know What You Did Last Summer came on, while I was listening to a live stream XD


No ones POV

The next day Natsu was exhausted, last night he had barely gotten any sleep due to the wave of nightmares he kept getting but couldn't find the courage to go to Gray after what he did.

Natsu rubbed his face sleepily and continued to work, he looked at his timetable and his stomach dropped: Next he has to go serve Prince Gray.

After he finished cleaning he slowly dragged his feet towards Gray room, he slowly pushed the door open and Gray looked up from his desk, he smiled happily at Natsu but something seemed off.

"Hey Natsu, I'm glad you're here. You were late and I was getting a bit worried." Gray chuckled,

"Yeah, sorry, I lost track of time." Natsu lied an Gray walked over to him,
"Natsu," Gray said seriously "do you love me?" He ask and Natsus eyes widened, he opened his mouth but nothing came out and Grays eyes filled with sadness.

"I knew it..." He whispered and stepped away from Natsu, Gray angrily smashed his fist onto his desk making Natsu flinch,
"I saw what you did last night!" Gray yelled and tears spilled from Natsus eyes and he covered his mouth with his hands.

Gray put his hands on Natsus shoulders,
"Why?! Why did you do this?! I thought I was your only one!" Gray yelled,
"I-I..." Natsu sobbed and sunk into himself shaking his head, not liking this side of Gray.

"WHY?!?!" Gray screamed,
"BECAUSE IM WEAK AND IM A COWARD!" Natsu screamed back, leaving Gray stunned but his anger raged on inside him.

"Guards! Arrest this traitor!" Gray yelled down the hallway and guards began to charge towards his room, Natsus eyes widened in fear,
"G-Gray.. P-please!" Natsu begged but Gray didn't change his mind.

The guards ran in and grabbed Natsu before roughly dragging him away, pulling at his hair, scarf, shirt or anything they could grasp knocking over the trolley of tea in the process and smashing it as Natsu struggled to escape their grasp.

Natsus eyes connected with Grays for one of the longest seconds ever, Natsus eyes were drowning in his tears as fear and betrayal swam through them, Grays fierce eyes stared back at them as he glared at Natsu but in that second a small bit of regret hit him only to be swallowed by anger again.

After Natsu was dragged away to the dungeons a maid with long white hair came in to clean.

Grays POV

I sat at my desk tapping my finger tips on the smooth wood, I could feel someone watching at me so I turned around on my chair.

The maid who I recognise as Mira Jane was glaring at the ground as she picked up the smashed pieces of tea cup,

"You know, I heard Natsu in his room last night. He woke up screaming like he does every night but this time he was screaming your name. I know how that he sneaks out to your room every time he has a nightmare but last night he didn't leave because of the regret the felt." Mira said lowly,

"So he deserves it! What he did was unforgivable!" I growled and Mira stopped cleaning, she looked up and glared at me.

"Natsu has been through so much! You were his life line! I don't know what he did but I don't think he deserves death!" She yelled at me before quickly finishing her cleaning, she flipped the trolley back over and ran out of the room with it and the cleaning supplies.

I was stunned, Mira was usually quiet and never yelled but still, Natsu won't really die will he? That's just over thinking it...

I didn't realise but it was getting late, Natsu was meant to bring my food...

I shook my head and decided to skip dinner and just go to bed, I got changed and climbed into my warm bed,
It's warmer with Natsu...

I rubbed my face and closed my eyes, I was about to fall asleep but was woken by my door clicking shut, I opened my eyes and slowly sat up.

I could only just make out the silhouette of a body in the darkness,

"Who are you? Why are you here?" I asked, he chuckled and walked toward me, my eyes adjusted and I realised who it was.

"Cobra." I hissed and he put his hands up,
"Why are you angry at me? Natsu was literally begging me. Oh and his moans! He's very sensitive around the thighs ya' know?" Cobra smirked, I glared at him.

"I don't care!" I yelled,
"Yeah, I worked that out when you dubbed him as a traitor. All traitors are gonna be sent to be executed in a few days, Natsu is weak to affection, I don't know how you didn't realise that before."

Cobra turned on his heel and left, leaving me speechless as I stared at my hands and squeezed my eyes shut, no, Natsu is a traitor and a rouge, he was just using me. I thought an lay back down, closing my eyes again.

I walk down the cold hallways of the castle and my home, the only light source is the moon as I stumble in the darkness, my bare feet grew numb from the cold as I walked.

I've lived in this castle for years an know the hallways like the back of my hand but I feel... Lost.

I try to open a door but find that it's locked so I try another, this goes on for a while until one door clicks open- the ball room.

I slowly open it and in the middle stands a woman in a white dress with short dark blue hair, holding the hand of a younger boy with white hair,

"H-Hello?" I call out,
"Gray..." She mumbles and starts to turn around with the boy,
"How could you forget us?"

There is a knife lodged into her chest with blood staining the white dress and the boy has a knife in his shoulder.

I take a shaky step backwards and bump into someone, I spin around and find Natsu standing behind me,

"I love you. Why did you kill me?" Natsu asks, he is covered in blood with all of his previous wounds there, he puts his hands on my shoulders making the shackles on his wrists clink around, I just stared in horror.

The woman and boy along with Natsu all pull me into a hug, their blood spilling onto me.

They began to warp into a giant snake with their faces sticking out the sides as the snake began to crush me,

"You forgot them. You'll forget me just as easy." Natsu said and blood tears spilled from his eyes, falling onto my face.

I screamed as I shot up, my body was drenched and my shirt clung to me, I looked down and saw that the sheets were covered in a thin sheet of ice, I shakily looked at my hands and saw the same ice,

"What have I done?"

You're more than a slave ~ Gratsu ~ COMPLETED!!Where stories live. Discover now