13: cake

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Song: Cake by Melanie Martinez

Btw I edited a tiny bit in the second chapter so now Gray no longer has I've powers, well he's like Natsu, he can't use them at the moment.

Natsus POV (when Brain showed up)

I quickly ran and slid to the floor before diving under Grays bed as soon as the door opened, I peered out through the sheets and my breath hitched.

"Where's my gem?!" Brain yelled and I saw Gray clench his fists and jaw as my eyes widened,

"Natsu is NOT your gem infact...Natsu is Natsu and he is NO ONES gem!" Gray yelled back, Brain glared at him and was about to yell something when my elbows suddenly gave out and I smacked my chin on the ground making a loud thud from my hiding place and Brain chuckled darkly

"I knew you had tainted my gem."

My eyes widened in fear and tears began to spill from them as Brains eyes locked right onto mine and I covered my mouth as I tried to hold in my sobs.

A grin covered Brains face and he stepped towards me and I shuffled back until my feet touched the wall but suddenly Gray launched at Brain and his fist connected with his face.

"Gaurds!" Gray yelled and I heard people running outside but they were pretty far away (dragon slayer hearing).

Brain stumbled slightly but growled and hurled himself at Gray and they crashed to the ground, they started throwing punches at each other and I scampered out from under the bed, staring helplessly at the two.

Suddenly Brain picked up Gray and threw him across the room and I gasped and backed away as Brain turned to face me, a grin spreading across his bloody face,

"My gem...I can't resist you." Brain said and lunged at me but at the last second I jumped out of the way so he fell towards the ground, I quickly kicked onto his back so he smashed into the ground, my eyes lit up slightly and I let out an airy chuckle.

Suddenly Brain grabbed my ankle and pulled it, I crashed down into my back and my head smacked into the making me groaned, as black dots caroused my vision but I forced my self to stay conscious.

No ones POV

Brain crawled over the top of Natsu and hovered over him on all fours, pinning his wrists down on each side of his head roughly.

Natsu wriggled furiously, trying to escape his grip as tears crowded in the corner of his eyes again and Brain chuckled darkly.

Brain brought his face down into Natsu neck and took a deep sniff of his scent,

"You smell like...him..." Brain growled dangerously into Natsus ear making him shudder.

Suddenly there was banging at the door and yelling, Brain let out a grunt and slipped his whip off from around his waist before wrapping it around Natsus neck.

All of a sudden the door was smashed open and Erza along with a few other guards rushed in bit froze at what they saw,

"Erza! Thank god your here! The Dragon slayer lashed out and beat Prince Gray! Luckily I was here to restrain him." Brain lied and pulled the whip tightly, forcing the choking Natsu onto his knees.

Erza looked suspiciously at Brain before glaring at Natsu,

"How stupid was I to trust you?" Erza spat
"Brain...kill him."

Brain instantly began to pull tighter on the whip and Natsu began gasping for air, he went down on all fours and tried to wrench it away from his neck, giving himself multiple harsh scratches in the process.

"N-Natsu!" Gray coughed as he began to regain conciseness, his eyes widened as he began to see Natsu turning slightly blue.

"Erza! Brain lied he attacked me and Natsu was protecting me! Stop Brain!" Gray yelled and in an instant Brain fell to the floor, dropping the whip in the process.

Erza had thrown a sword at Brain and the handle had smacked him in the head, knocking him out cold.

Natsu weakly lay on his side curled on a ball and shaking as he took deep breaths and tried to get air back into his lungs, blood ran down his neck in small streams from his attempt to free his neck.

Erza signalled something with her hand and the guards walked in and picked up Brain before dragging him out of Grays bedroom but before Erza left she spoke up,

"Natsu, Gray, right now I'm trusting you two to look gate each other in this...turn of events...I know that you two care about each other quite a lot." She smirked before leaving them and closing the door, Gray smiled before getting up (ignoring the pain all over him) and half-limping over to Natsu.

Gray put his hand on Natsus shoulder and Natsu instantly flinched before realising it was Gray,

"Sorry..." Natsu whispered in a raspy voice,
Gray smiled "I'm just glad your ok."
Natsu chuckled slightly which then started a series of violent coughs in his throat.

He instantly sat up and began coughing roughly, Gray rubbed his back and tried to soothe the coughing and after a while it worked.

Natsu took in more deep breath and groaned slightly in annoyance

"Why are you in so much of a rush to refill your lungs?" Gray asked and Natsu sighed,
"Well," he said in a hoarse voice "I can't kiss you if I can't breath." He pouted and Gray chuckled, shaking his head slowly,
"You really are an idiot..." He mumbled.

Erzas POV

I walked down the hallway with a frown on my face, I feel so stupid for believing Brain back there.

I worked out a while ago that Natsu and Prince Gray has something going on because at first Natsu would always sneak to Grays room in the middle of the night whenever he looked a bit shaken up so maybe whenever he had a nightmare.

Then another time I actually saw them cuddled up together one night and they looked kind of adorable...

Anyway, it was so obvious about what had happened! Brain barged into Grays room, that's why the lock was jammed, and demanded to know where Natsu was, Natsu must have been hiding somewhere but got spotted so Gray stood up to protect him but lost and fell unconscious, finally Natsu worked up the courage to fight after he saw Gray get hurt but was pinned down by Brain (this is why he had nail marks on his wrists) Brain heard us coming and quickly wrapped his whip around Natsus neck, after that I finally broke the door open and in we came.

I shook my head again and rubbed my face,

'This Kingdom is corrupted...I'm working for the wrong man here.' I thought and with a sigh, went back to continuing my duties.

I took a few steps but stopped as I heard what seemed to be slithering above me, I looked around but couldn't see anything so I sighed and kept walking.


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