7: It stings...

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Grays POV

I had moved Natsu to one of the other rooms and put a blanket over him, the pain killers had seemed to knock him out  cold and he was asleep like log so I went back to my bed but couldn't fall asleep so after a few hours I decided to get up and check on Natsu, he's still asleep so I sit down next to him and hug my knees to my chest and find myself staring at his perfect yet pained face and almost jumped when he began to stir.

Natsu let out a quiet groan and sweat began to form on his face as it shifted into a tight frown an his eyes began to open and they widened as he saw me and I mentally face-palmed for just sitting here watching him sleep, you know' just watching him sleep.

His eyes seemed to glow and suddenly he tried to sit up and I broke out of my trance,

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Don't try to get up on your own!" I said quickly and began to help him stand up and he let out a grunt and stumbled slightly so I slowly brought him to the bathroom with him leaning his weight on me, I sat him down on a stool in the bathroom and took the bandages off of his shoulder but I gasped when I saw it.

It had healed drastically and was starting to get better, Natsu was shocked when he saw it too and immediately picked up the bottle and smelt it before mumbling something,

"What was that?" I asked and he jumped slightly
"N-nothing," he mumbled and we stayed silent for a while
"G-Gray?" He asked suddenly making me jump
Natsu looked down avoiding my eyes
"Can you put it on my back?" He asked an I was shocked for a while before answering
"Well sure, but I'll have to wash it first. When was the last time you had a bath?"
"Um...I can't remember."
I smiled and walked over to the bath and turned the handles making water spray out and it began to fill the tub.

"I'll help you get undressed," I offered and he nodded still sitting on the stool, I knelt down in front of him and slowly took off his shirt making him wince slightly and I gasped as I saw his chest, his whole stomach and chest was covered in white bandages. Natsu blushed slightly and looked away making me blush too, I slowly began to take off his pants but decided to leave on his boxers.

I turned off the water once the tub was filled up and walked back over to Natsu,

"I'm going to have to take off the bandages if we're gonna wash the wounds." I state and Natsu nodded slowly, I carefully began to unwrap the bloody bandages, Natsu flinching occasionally but I was on the edge of mortified when I saw how he looked without them on. He was still rather muscular but he was rather thin and red marks peeled around his sides and for a second I didn't want to see his back but I had to help hi-

"Stop staring at me like that." Natsu said quietly, getting my attention and I nodded with a small blush on my cheeks,
"Ready?" I asked as I helped him up and we got to the edge of the tub and Natsu nodded slightly and carefully put one foot in and then the next so he was standing in it and I slowly lowered him into a sitting position.

Natsu suddenly let out a loud yelp as the water touched one of the wounds,
"I can't do this!" He yelled with tears gathering in his eyes
"Yes you can! Get through it!" I yelled and lowered him further in, he yelled again and dug his nails into my shoulders and arms
"C'mon! Your almost there!" I yelled again and lowered him fully into the bath and he screamed so I pulled him into a tight hug, carefully avoiding his wounds and we stayed like that for a few minutes while he cried in pain.

I took a deep breath and broke away slightly so I was looking at him,
"Hey look at me." I ordered and he looked up with tears still on his cheeks
"Let me distract you from the pain." I said quietly and pressed my lips against his. I felt him tense him but he didn't pull away, instead he melted into the kiss and began to kiss back making me smile into the kiss as I began to kiss more passionately as I licked Natsus bottom lip asking for entrance which he quickly opened and my tongue began to explore his mouth, this went on for a while longer until we broke apart for air and I immediately missed his warm lips.

"Y-Your right it did take away the pain." He chuckled slightly and a smile broke across his lips- the first one I'd seen so I smiled too, I picked up a cloth and said "Turn around so I can wash you back." His smile flattened as he slowly turned around and it pushed me over the line for mortified. His back was covered in deep red and scabby, I took a deep breath and dunked the cloth in the water and began to wash away the dried blood and clean the wounds as gently as possible but still making Natsu flinch repeatedly and making me repeat sorry repeatedly too.

Soon the bath water had become a murky brown-red colour (the brown mostly coming from the amount of dirt in Natsus hair) and I decided that I had done a good job and helped him get out, he stood on a towel as I dried him off and soon stood in front of him, drying his chest and hair.

I jumped suddenly as Natsu quickly leaned forward and pecked my lips making me blush and I noticed that his face had a blush dusting over his cheeks as well,

"S-Sorry. I couldn't resist." He mumbled and I smiled, leaning forward and connecting my lips with his once again as I kissed him passionately until we ran out of air and broke apart, our faces stayed close together as we breathed carefully on each other necks.

I stepped away from him and frowned slightly as I heard his quiet whimper of my absence, I picked up Levys potion along with tweezers and cotton balls before walking back over to Natsu. I carefully began to rub the liquid onto his wounds and blushed as I hurt him moan slightly.

When I finished I wrapped his chest and stomach with fresh bandages and helped him get dressed again in silence and saw him mentally taking note of how to dress himself making my chuckle quietly.

Man...I love him.


Hello readers!
Just a quick note, if I spell things wrong or use the wrong punctuation please comment and let me know! I usually miss most of it cause I'm lazy as hell, so yeah, please just tell me!


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