10: damn you!

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Levys POV (over with Levy)

Apparently they found out that Cobra was a traitor and evacuated but were too late and had a head on fight with a miniature army and got separated.

They were now staying at a woman named Lucys apartment who was a close friend of Natsus, Gajeel, Wendy, Happy and Charle has escaped together and made it away nearly un-harmed but when Luxas made it he could barely stand and there was still no sign of Sting and Rouge.

Gajeel smashed his fist into the table, making me jump and shocking me out of my thoughts,

"Natsus been stuck in that hell hole for nearly three weeks and our plan is still only just an idea!" He yelled
"Wait...what's your idea?" I ask and Gajeel smirked at me,

"Let's just say that there are a few more rouges hiding out there that are planning to over run the kingdom and take down the king, they call themselves the 'Fairy fighters' led by a man named Makarov."

I gasped and my eyes lit up "are you serious?!" I felt like crying from the amount happiness that I felt and Gajeel smiled "we're meeting them once everyone gets here." I grinned and jumped on Gajeel, I hugged him tightly and a tear escaped my eyes and Gajeel chuckled "you can let go now, shrimp."

I blushed and let go, suddenly the door burst open and Sting staggered in carrying a severely wounded Rouge and they crashed to the floor, Gajeel and I ran over to them, Sting was wounded but not too badly...as for Rouge...I gasped as I noticed the amount of blood on his stomach, I quickly shut the door as Gajeel picked up Rouge.

I cleared the table and Gajeel lay him down on it as I put a pillow under his head before Wendy came in to tend to his wounds and I went over to Sting and helped him up.

Sting leaned on me for support as I lead him over to the couch and sat him down,
"Sting...what happened?" I asked
"T-They were everywhere," he said shakily and turned to look at Rouge
"I'm sorry R-Rouge." He mumbled, Wendy had taken his shirt revealing a deep gash from a sword, Wendy preformed some sort of magic on him and it healed generously before she began to stitch it up and I frowned at him slightly, he had his eyes locked on Rouge the whole time and I could tell that something else was bothering him but I didn't ask.

No ones POV (Back at the castle T^T)

Natsu had been released from the torture chambers and taken back to his room an hour or so ago and in that time he had gotten changed and...that was it.

He sat on his bed staring at Levys old books, the fire on his eyes was now only just a pile of warm coals and held no expression, he averted his gaze to his wrist that now had nasty red rings on them from the shackles and a tear escaped his eyes followed by another one and soon that lead to sobs as Natsu buried his face into his hands.

The medicine...

The thought came into Natsus mind and an almost sadistic looking smile spread across his face as he slowly stood up and mindlessly walked out of his room and through the silent hallways towards Grays room.

He opened the door an slipped into Grays room, not even checking to see if anyone was there and walked into the bathroom, he rummaged through the cupboards rather loudly as he looked for his precious medicine.

Suddenly the light turned on making Natsu freeze,

"N-Natsu?" A voice asked and he looked up to see Gray standing in the doorway with wide eyes,
"M-My medicine. Where is it?" Natsu demanded and Gray nodded before taking a step towards him an Natsu flinched for nearly no reason but tried to keep looking strong.

Gray kneeled next to Natsu and cautiously pulled him into a hug and after a few seconds Natsu melted into the somehow cold yet warm body and Gray raised his chin before pulling Natsu into a passionate kiss.

Natsu instantly kissed back and after a while they pulled away and Natsu buried his face into Grays shoulder and broke down into tears and sobs, Gray hugged him tightly and comforted him quietly until he calmed down a little.

Gray stood and pulled Natsu up with him and sat him down on a stool before pulling the bottle of medicine out of the cupboard, along with cotton balls and tweezers before carefully taking his shirt off, he cringed slightly at the sight of Natsus mangled back and he slowly began to apply the medicine to his wounds.

As Gray coated the wounds in Wendy's medicine something caught his eye
...down Natsus neck and shoulders were...bite marks, Gray narrowed his eyes at them and Natsu turned around,

"W-What is it?" Natsu asked self-consciously
"Natsu, what are those marks on you neck and shoulders?" Gray asked, gritting his teeth slightly and Natsu went pale
"I-it...t-they..." Natsu struggled for words
"Natsu?" Gray asked, demanding an answer,
"It...was Brain..." He said quietly and looked at the floor, his bangs hid his eyes and Gray started to grind his teeth before taking a deep breath
"I swear Natsu, I'll never let him touch you again." Gray stated and Natsu smiled slightly
"Thank you, Gray."

Gray bandaged up Natsus back and stomach in silence which Natsu was perfectly fine with and helped him put his under-shirt back on again before he lead him out of the bathroom and lay him down on his bed, Gray pulled Natsu tightly to his chest an kissed the top of his head making him blush slightly.

"Natsu," he whispered "I love you so much."
Natsu chuckled slightly and snuggled into him, closing his eyes
"Thank you for loving me." He whispered back and Grayy smiled before shutting his own eyes and drifting off to sleep with his beloved Dagon slayer.


Oh my frickin lord I actually got another chapter out!
The way that my brain works is that instead of writing another 600 words I just sit around and plan for the SEQUEL!

Oh yet that too, there's gonna be a sequel but there's probs gonna be another, like, 8 chapters or something but hey! Praise your Author-senpai for updating and getting a chapter out!

Also, I hope you guys don't mind that I put in some GaLe! (Gajeel x Levy)

-Jelly <3

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