2: Rivals and mistakes

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Wendy's POV

We all sat at the table in silence, everyone just stared at the food in front but the anxious feeling in our stomachs wouldn't let us eat.

We had received word from one of the castles staff that gives us information, Levy McGarden, that Natsu had been captured and taken to the dungeon,

"We have to get him," Gajeel says firmly
"I know, but how?" I ask
"Why don't we just go storm the place!" Laxus yells and slams his fists into the table,
"I agree," Sting says and Rouge nods along
"Looks like destruction it is!" Cobra says with a grin.

Grays POV

After I was told that they had captured the leader of the Dragon slayers I've been really wanting to go down and see who -the guy who destroyed half of my future kingdom- really is.

I walked down the dark stairs to the dungeons but before I enter I am stopped by one of the guards, Erza,

"Prince Gray, why are you coming down into the dungeons?" Erza asks me
"My father asked me to go see how that Dragon slayer was doing," I lie
Erza narrows her eyes like she's not buying it but then steps aside
"Very well."

I nod at her and walk past, to be honest, I have no clue which cell is his one, I sigh and begin looking through the holes of the cell doors and after about the third one I see the Dragon slayer half hanging from chains.

I know that it's risky but I open up the door -bad idea- as soon as it opens his eyes shoot open and he begins to thrash around against the chains with nearly his whole body on fire.

"Hey! Cut it out I'm not gonna hurt you!" I yell, he stops and begins to stare strait at me with fury in his eyes, to be honest, I pictured him as a massive man with scars and muscles but instead he's a boy that looks my age with crazy pink hair and blood all over him.

I begin to circle around him and he doesn't move and my eyes widen as I see his back, there are endless amounts of deep and bloody cuts along it from the whip,

"Your the prince aren't you?" He says in a surprisingly strong voice, I'm hesitant to answer but I soon say

The dragon slayer sniggered "I honestly expected more of you," he says cockily, I get angry an pick up a knife and threw it at him...well...near him. Suddenly he spins slightly and the blade hits one of the chains and broke it, in seconds he melted the other chains and faced me, a smirk still on his face that soon merged into a grin.

"Well, I'll be on my way." He says cockily and goes for the door but I snap to my senses and quickly run at him and throw another knife from his chamber at him he ducks at the last second and goes to the other side of the cell, away from the door, and I smirk at him as his grin falters.

"You shouldn't have done that!" He yells and his fists catch on fire, he suddenly takes a deep breath and when he releases fire shoots out at me and I dive out of the way but while that distracts me he swings the door open and runs out.

"Guards!" I yell and soon enough Erza goes sprinting past the door after him.

Natsus POV

I see Erza come running after me and I sigh, the problem is I already bought a ticket so there's no turning back now, but at least this time I'm not going down as easily.

My whole body lights on fire and I spin around and I breath fire in the direction of Erza but in seconds she runs through it and punches me in the gut, I splutter and fall to the ground making most of the wounds on my back reopen and I groan in pain.

Erza puts some sort a shackles on my hands so that I can't burn anyone with them as she grabs my hair and begins to drag me back to my cell.

"You brought this upon yourself Dragon slayer," Erza says firmly

"Hah I knew this was coming, I payed for the ticket after all." I say with a cough and Erza stops for a second before continuing and that's when I made my decision, I'm not gonna stop.

You're more than a slave ~ Gratsu ~ COMPLETED!!Where stories live. Discover now