18: smile

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No ones POV

Natsu had been in the cell for about three days but to him it felt like weeks due the endless boredom that left him unprotected from his thoughts.

Gray hadn't gone back to see Natsu, he didn't have the courage or strength to see the damage done to his ex-lover.

He was left to bask in his guilt and regret in his room, what Natsu did probably wasn't even his fault and he didn't deserve to be put in a cell for being a 'traitor' when he did nothing wrong.

Gray was selfish and because he was hurt by Natsus actions what he did to Natsu honestly hurt himself more.

More of the servants were disappearing so the castle was becoming quieter, it was strange.

The strangest thing Gray had discovered was the ice that had frozen his sheets after that nightmare, Gray still couldn't work out who the woman and child was in the dream and what relationship he had with them.

Gray was freaked out, something was going on and it wasn't good and that worried him, the ice, the people in his dream, the servants. What was going on??

Natsus POV

The cell and dungeons were as quiet as ever, well, besides when they would take a new servant down here. They would either be yelling, struggling, screaming, crying or just making an overall ruckus.

It honestly hurt my sensitive ears and the blood always burnt my nose, it's really annoying.

I don't even give my food trays back, it annoys the guards 'cause they have to come in and get them, they're scared of me, mostly because even though they hit me for leaving the trays in the far corner yet I still do it every time.

I have to find my own way to entertain myself now.

I've found a few ways, trying to break my cuffs, humming tunes Wendy used to whistle, playing with my food, scaring the guards and, of course, leaving the trays in the corner.

My cell door swung open and a group of guards walked in and I smiled up at them,

"Why hello there!" I called and they scoffed before grabbing my collar and lifting me up.

They forced me out of the cell and into the hallway where the other servants were being taken and the old anxiety began to dwell in my stomach.

We were all led down the dungeon hallways and back into the main building, as we were escorted through the building I would occasionally catch the glimpse of other servants watching through key holes or in the dark hallways.

As we neared the gates I could hear a crowd of people gathering nearby, I winced as the sun hit my eyes when the doors opened and we walked into the courtyard and towards the town.

That's when I saw it and realisation hit me...

We neared the wooden platform in the centre of the crowed an I could hear some of the servants begin to sob.

Grays POV

I was unaware why my father had taken me out to the town, apparently he had a surprise and the villagers were going to have a parade?

It seemed a little sketchy but I didn't question it so now we sat in a 'viewing building' that had a balcony that he said overlooked the parade.

You're more than a slave ~ Gratsu ~ COMPLETED!!Where stories live. Discover now