17: Move out!

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Note: this was the original chapter 15 so you can skip it if you want, I just wanted to get a Fairy fighter chapter in :P

Levys POV

I..I can't believe it...

The base we are staying at is north of the kingdom...turns out there are three other bases east, south and west of the kingdom as well!

They all have code names as well, there's:
North- they just call it Fairytail because it's the main base.
East- Blue Pegasus.
South- Cait Shelter.
And West- Lamia Scale.

All of the bases each have a miniature ecosystem and soon we are planning to storm the kingdom and get rid of the 'king'.

Turns out King Celestial isn't actually human, he's a powerful celestial spirit that somehow managed to live in the human world for years, when Mavarok told me I literally head butted the desk because it was so obvious and I never realised.

That's also how he created those magic-blocking devices that stop wizards and mages from using their magic, I never even remembered when he injected the device into me and I guess I just forgot about the fact that I couldn't use magic anymore...well I guess I thought something was up so I spent years researching it.

Makarov and I have been sharing information because I'm useful, I drew up a map of the kingdom and a second showing all the secret passages and ventilation systems and in return he teaches me a few new tricks about my magic and gives me books.

We were given knew clothes and we were given special uniforms because...in an hour or so we were gonna move out and attack the kingdom but now something else stands in our way...

"Sir! We have received a message from Blue Pegasus that north to the kingdom a mass execution is being held to all servants with doubting thoughts towards Celestial!" A messenger declared as he burst into Makarovs office where we were having tea and talking together.

Makarov sighed and rubbed his temples
"Is there any of them that I may know?" He questioned and the messenger swallowed,
"Well...some are:
Jellal Fernandes, Went against the king
Mirajane Strauss, Wwnt against the Prince
Elfman Strauss, tried to protect his sister
and...Erza Scarlet...she went against the kingdom and tried to rescue Jellal and escape but she got caught." He said slowly and my eyes widened along with Makarovs too.

"-There's one more!" The messenger butt in before Makarov could speak,

"The Dragon slayer, Natsu Dragneel, was dubbed a traitor by the prince and taken away. Reason is unknown." I covered my mouth with my hands and gasped.

Makarov grumbled "we'll split off the Dragon slayers when we get there and keep going...hopefully a few of them will join us. I'm expecting Erza to at least." The messenger nodded and quickly left the room and running off to where the other Dragon slayers and I have been staying.

"Do you know who Erza and Jellal are too?" I ask
"Well..." Makarov paused "when Erza and Jellal were very young, Erza was kidnapped by a group of people along with a few other children and one of them was Jellal. The children were forced to be servants in their kidnappers mansion and if they refused or made a mistake they were abused. Jellal would always look out for Erza, give her some of his food portion, take the blame whenever Erza messed up, protect her from the other children and so on. One day how ever, while I was second in command of the kingdom, I heard about this so I got a group of troops and we headed out. The children were being kept in a cult that shall remain unnamed, but when we got their to our surprise, the majority of the children attacked us so my soldiers began to kill the children." Makarov took another shaky breath and I took his hand, rubbing it soothingly, encouraging him to continue and soon he did.

"I went down to check the dungeons and while I was down there I heard a child yelling, I quickly walked towards the voice and soon saw a thin boy gripping the bars of a cell an yelling at someone inside. I went over to him and at first when he saw me I expected him to cower away but instead he grit his teeth and glared at me like a protective animal. 'I'm not going to hurt you, I want to help you get out of here before my idiotic soldiers kill you too,' I said and he stepped back slightly 'please, help my friend Erza..I can't break the lock..' He said shakily. I walked forward and inside the cell was a small girl tied to a post bleeding and battered, without hesitation I placed my hand on the lock and blew it up. The boy ran in and began to untie the ropes and I went in after him, she fell to the ground and I noticed something horrid...she had been stabbed in the eye..'boy.' I said in a gruff voice 'I'll carry the girl and you get on my back, she needs medical attention and I know who can help.' He nodded slowly and I picked up the girl before he climbed onto my back before I started running back to the exit. 'Boy, do yourself a favour and close your eyes until we get outside.' I told him and I felt him nod, I barged through the door and ran strait into hell, children were being slaughtered everywhere and I was happy that the boy had his eyes closed. We made it out and I brought them to a safe spot and decided to take them home with me, and the rest of it goes from there." By the end of the story we were holding each others hand tightly.

Makarov grunted and stood up so I got up after him, brushing down the skirt of my grey uniform, before following Makarov out of his office and towards the main area which was now loaded with wizards and mages all wearing the grey uniform in different styles, Makarov stood on a balcony and I stood behind him with the other Dragon slayers,

"Fairy fighters, it is time for us to head out towards our victory! Please make sure that you are prepared to leave and understand the plan and your role so this plan doesn't crumble! Get into your squad now, we will be moving out in ten minutes!" Makarov yelled and the crowd erupted into cheers before hurrying away to get into their groups.

I turned to Gajeel and beamed hopefully to him and he smiled before taking my hand.

This is the end of Celestials reign.

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