Thank you!

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*blows nose and attempts to stop waterfall of tears*

Thank you guys so much for reading my fan fic!

Chapter 19 was the end but I am planning on making a sequel!

There will also be a smut one shot at the end of this book!
(Chapter 30)

You all make me so happy an I regret nothing about making this!!

MayaLockser  thank you for sticking alongside my fan fic for so long and keeping me going with your comments!

JuliaVeronik8  thanks for always being one of the first people to vote on my chapters!

Adam_is_a_train thanks for being my editor X3

arikirikarin and ThavyBlossom , thanks for leaving such funny comments! They cracked me up XD

CeramicCandy thanks for being the first comment on this fan fic :3

dragonecho thanks for following this story from chapter 1/2 to 19!!! :3

littlebit1204 thanks for keeping my secret X3

Writer_Guy22 and Rase-GONE thanks for being good friends and reding my fan fic :3

AnimaNoel thanks for keeping me going with your comments and quick voting!

littledemon66 thanks for getting me to wrote chapter 19!

queen_of_fnaf thanks for voting on every chapter and beings quick voter! :3

And thank you to those I missed and took the time to read this book! I love you all from the bottom of my heart! :333


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