19: the fall

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littledemon66 thanks for reminding me to update!!! And thank you to those who made me laugh due to your hilarious comments! :P

No ones POV

Gray and King Celestial stood in their observation room, their eyes darting around as they looked through the darkness surrounding them.

Celestial held his sword tightly and Gray had frost over his hands and had taken off his jacket out of some strange habit, luckily it was too dark for his father to see.

"How strange, the prince stands with a murderer... Surprised he hasn't killed the king himself." A low voice chuckled from the darkness and Gray growled lowly.

"You still remember them right?" Another voice asked,

"Don't listen to them." Celestial commanded Gray and the voices laughed,

"Tell me Gray, don't you ever wonder about what happened to your poor mother and brother?" Sting asked as the curtains blew open revealing him and Sting standing next to him.

Gray frowned in confusion, "my mother died while giving birth, I don't have a brother." He told them and they smiled sadly.

"The truth, is that your 'father' is a murderer. He had your mother, aka one of the greatest ice-make mages to ever live, killed. Along with your brother." Rouge told Gray.

"SHUT UP!" His father screamed and Grays eyes widened

"You don't deserve to be king in this world! You're a monster!" The woman yelled,

"SHUT UP!" King Celestial yelled and slapped her across the face,

"Mother!" A boy with white hair yelled and ran to her defence.

"Ur... Lyon..." Gray whispered and ice dusted over his hands, Celestials eyes widened in horror, he had put a memory block in his head... How did it break?!

"Y-You killed them.." Gray said before a mix of light and darkness fired at them and everything went black.

Meanwhile with Natsu XD

Wendy and Gajeel ran back towards the base with Natsu in Gajeels arms, their leader had become a lot skinnier  and Gajeel could carry him with ease.

Gajeel and Wendy skidded to a halt as they picked up the scent of someone nearby and looked around cautiously.

"Natsu~" a voice sung and Natsus eyes widened in horror,
"No... No..." Natsu whispered shakily,
"Natsu, what is it?" Wendy asked, fearing for her leader.

A large figure jumped off the roof and landed in front of them, a psychotic grin was plastered across his face an Wendy got into a defensive stance while Natsu clung desperately to Gajeel.

"I haven't seen you in so long... So long that the marks I gave you have gone. What a shame.." Brain said and Wendy and Gajeel gave him a confused look.

Wendy suddenly realised who Brain was as she remembered Levy telling her about him,

"G-Gajeel..." She whispered,
"...he was the kingdom torturer, Brain." She told him shakily and Gajeels eyes widened slightly before he glared at Brain.

"We won't let you get to Natsu so do yourself a favour and move aside!" Gajeel yelled and Wendy glared at Brain protectively, Brain just chuckled darkly.

"Oh no, I'll let you have him now but-" Brains eyes locked onto Natsus "-I will get you back, I'll make you mine again my ruby~" he sang.

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