~Chapter 1~ First Day

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(Edited. The Plot Will Stay The Same. Others Could Be Changed Too.)

(Y/N) - Your Name

(F/C) - Fave Color

(S/F/C) - 2nd Fave Color

U/N - Username

Thoughts are like this.

Your POV

The first day is always the worst. I remember my first day at the military school I was at. Irene, I was beat up by a guy called Aaron. I swear, if I see him again, I'm gonna find a way to hit him harder than he ever did. I also remember when I had my first day of highschool here too. I've been here since last year only. I bet mom would take pictures like last year. "(Y/N)! IT'S TIME FOR SCHOOL! GET READY BEFORE YOU GET LATE FOR BEING EARLY! WE NEED TO SET ANOTHER GOOD IMPRESSION!" I growled lowly when my mother yelled. Ugh, mom. Didn't my brother and I already set a good impression last year? "ALRIGHT!" I yelled. I quickly took a bath, changed my clothes and fixed my hair into a ponytail. The school has no uniforms yet so I'll be wearing my (F/C) hoodie, some jeans, and my (S/F/C) converse. "Are you done yet?!" Mom yelled. "Yes!" I yelled while going downstairs. "Oh (Y/N), you look so beautiful. Let me take pictures!" Mom said while bringing out her phone. She was taking pictures already. "Mother, where's my brother?" I asked. "Fernando is at his school already." She said. "Ok. Bye Mother!" I said going out the door. I started running to school since I didn't want to be late for being early. You don't want to see my parents mad. I then saw that jerk Aaron. He was the Aaron who beat me up. I started running to him and 'accidentally' bumped him. "Grrr, watch it!" He growled. I growled at him too. I am a werewolf but no one knows it. That's why I always win. I hide my ears and tail so that no one knows, not even the werewolves because I use cologne. My Dad is a werewolf too but he always hides his ears and tail too while using cologne. My Mom isn't a werewolf, including my brother, Fernando. When I grow up, I'll learn how to make a potion that will make me a human. Not a werewolf. But I'll still be strong. I didn't notice that he left already. Someone tapped on my shoulder. "Hey (Y/N)!" Aphmau said. I met Aphmau while I walking to the academy. She invited me to have a shake. I accepted of course. I know, I'm not supposed to go near people or have friends but it would be a nice change in my life, I think. I then found out that my mom and her mom know each other. "Hello Aph. I'm so sorry but I got to go." I said walking away since the doors were open. I went to my homeroom class which was English class. I sat down and drew in my notebook. "Hey (Y/N)!" I looked up at the person who called. "Oh.. Hey Cadenza.." I said, continuing my drawing. I met Cadenza about 1 year ago. I made friends with her because I thought she was interesting.  "How was your summer?" She asked. "Nothing much happened so I guess it was fine. How's Laurance?" I asked. Laurance is her brother. We went to hangout one day but she brought him along. "He's well. Just a lot of fangirls here and there, haha!" She laughed. "Heh.." I laughed a bit. "Come on, laugh. I could never make you laugh." She said. "Ha... ha... ha..." I said, sarcastically. "What's with the sarcasm?" She asked. I laughed at my own sarcasm. "It's rare to see you laughing or even smiling." She said. "Yeah.." I said, smiling a bit. *flash* "Wha? Hey!" I yelled as I realized she took a picture. She only laughed. "You better delete that Cadenza!" I yelled. "Nope!" She yelled. I was about to chase her but the teacher came in. "Alright, roll call. (Y/N) Dirus." The teacher said. "Hn." I said. (Get the reference?) "Dirus? You're Fernando's sister right?" He asked. "Yeah, so what?" I asked. "I expect great things from you." He said. "Sure.." I said. "Cadenza Zvahl." He said. "Here." She said. I continued drawing as people's names were called. "Alright, you can all talk with each other before we head on to Club Social." He said, causing me to look at Cadenza beside me. "Now... Why don't you delete that picture before I rip your pretty clothes to shreds." I threatened, then I heard the trash sound when you delete a picture. "Good..." I smirked. "Alright! We're going to the gymnasium now to see all the clubs and schoolmates. Line up and let's move." He said. Wow that was fast. When we entered, I saw a volley ball hit a freshman in the head. "Haha! Nice catch dork. You caught it with your head. Haha!" A familiar voice laughed. "Katelyn, you should be nice to the freshmen here. Sorry for your friend there Aph." I said. Katelyn, my mom know her dad. We hung out only once but I learned a lot about her then. "Hey Katelyn, stop teasing the freshmen." Laurance said as he arrived. "What? I was teaching tough love. I didn't mean any harm." Katelyn said. "Tell that to his face Katelyn." I said. "I'm going to get a nurse." Laurance said. "Katelyn, give 'em a break. They're not as strong as you." Garroth said. His family is close to our family. I met him when I went on one of my parents' business meetings. I let them talk while I look at him. He wakes up. "Well, I see I'm not needed here, I'll be going to my club okay? Look for me if you need me." I said, going to my club, the werewolf club. "Ah.. (Y/N), nice to see you." Dottie said. "Hey guys. I'm here to apply for the club again, you know why." I said. "Alright!" The werewolves yelled. After last year, they've come to like me, even if I'm a 'human'. "And there! Oh, I'll be back." I said, finishing my signature and going to a corner. I text FC and Shu in the group we made.

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