~Chapter 4~ Transfer Student/Cool Moms

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Your POV
I was sitting quietly in my seat until something came up. "Alright class, this might just be homeroom but I have an announcement. We have a transfer student today and his name is Daniel Shadow." My eyes widened at the name. Daniel? I looked at him and saw him looking at me. I gave him a look saying "Come sit with me." and he nodded. He sat beside me and I talked with him. "Hey Daniel, I didn't know you were coming here. How are ya, bud?" I asked. "I'm fine (Y/N)! You?" He asked. "Great. I thought this would be a boring day but you brightened my day. How was O'Khasis Prep?" I asked. "I hated it. They bullied me non-stop." He said. "Oh. Don't worry, I'll help you through this school!" I said. "Really? Alright!" He said. *ring* "What subject do you have next?" I asked. "Werewolf 101! You?" He asked. "Same. I'll see you there, I guess. I'm sure you can find your way around." I said, going out of the room. I was on my way to Werewolf Class until I heard Gene's voice. I went over there and saw him talking with Aphmau. Didn't she have WWLF 101? I was about to walk there but Teony got there first. Teony told them off and told Aph to go to class now. "Let's hope that the teacher will let you off with a warning for being 10 minutes late." Teony said, causing my eyes to widen. 10 minutes?! I calmed down and followed Aph quietly. Aph entered and I heard Mr. Gavin tell her to meet with him after class. I stayed outside, using my great hearing to listen to the lesson. "Grrr, I already learned this..." I muttered to myself.
Later On
I was walking home with Daniel. "So, (Y/N), why weren't you at WWLF class?" He asked. "Oh, something came up." I said. "Alright.." He said. "So, where do you live?" I asked. "Wait for it... here." He said, pointing to the house across from mine. "Hey, we're neighbors!" I said. "Really?" He asked. "This is my house." I said, pointing at my house. "Awesome! See you then!" He said, going in his house. I waved at him and went inside my house. "We're going to meet a few old friends today so get ready!" Mom told me as I dropped my bag down. "Alright." I said, going upstairs. I put on a (C) shirt, jeans, (C) converse/shoes, and grab a black jacket since it's a bit cold. I tie my hair into a ponytail, brush my teeth, and put cologne. You don't know, there could be a werewolf in the shadows. Now that sounded creepy. I go downstairs to see my mother wearing a sporty outfit? "Can Daniel come?" I asked, putting aside my thoughts about mother wearing a sporty outfit. "Sure, if he's not busy." She said. I ran out to Daniel's house. *Knock Knock* "Who's there?" He asked. "(Y/N)." I said. "(Y/N) who?" He asked. "(Y/N), the person who's going to invite you to go somewhere with her mother and herself." I said. "I'll come, be back in a jiffy." He said then I heard fast footsteps. "I'm ready!" He said as he opened the door. He wore the same thing he wore on his first day of school here. I heard my mother's car horn. She must be in a hurry. "Come on Daniel! Mother is waiting!" I almost yelled as I grabbed his wrist and ran to my mother's car. When we entered the car, my mother drove. "It's nice to see you again Daniel. How's your mother?" She asked. "She's at work, the usual. It's sad she didn't get to go with us." Daniel said. "Yeah, she was fun. It's really sad she couldn't get to go with us to meet our old friends." Mom said. I stayed silent. We arrived at the park. When we got out of the car, I heard someone call out to my mother. "(M/N)(Mother's Name)!" They yelled. "Silvannah! Zianna!" My mother called out to 2 people. They're probably the friends of my mother. "I wonder what we can do while they talk." Daniel just shrugged. We walked over to the bench and saw some of our friends. "Hey guys." I greeted with a peace sign. "Hey (Y/N)! Who this friend of yours?" Aphmau asked me. "This is Daniel. How about those two? Who are those?" I asked. "Well, you've met Garroth. These are his brothers, Zane, and Vylad." Aph said. ""Now, children, stay here and play while your mothers will jog with me." Mother said and they went off. "So that's where my mom learned how to speak like that." Aph muttered. "What do you mean? I'm pretty sure your mom influenced our mom." Garroth said. "By the looks of it, they rubbed off on each other. Thankfully my mom wasn't involved." I said in relief. "True." Garroth said. "Whatever. We're stuck in a stupid park under a stupid sun." Zane said as he walked away. "Hey, Baby Brother, where are you going?" Garroth asked. "To the shade to use my phone away from you 5." Zane said. "Mom said to get you involved with a sport." Garroth said. "I won't." Zane said. Zane sits near a street light as we try to think of a good game to play. "How about... Soccer?" Vylad asked. "I would love to!" Aph yelled. "I'm down." I said. "Also me!" Daniel said. "I was thinking baseball but sure!" Garroth said. Maybe I can trick Zane into playing soccer. I smirked at my idea. "Come on guys, let's leave Zane alone," I said, making Zane sigh in relief. "Because he can't even play a sport." I said, smirking. "What?! I can play a sport! I just don't wanna!" Zane yelled. "Well, show us that you can beat me in Soccer." I said. "I'll show you.." Zane said, going to the field with us. "How does this work?" Zane asked. "Simple, you will kick the ball into the goal while I will block it. Got it?" I asked. "It's too easy." Zane said, getting ready to kick the ball. When the ball got near me, I kicked it back at him a bit too strong. It hit him in the eye. Bullseye? "Sorry Zane." I said, helping him up. "It's fine..." Zane said. "You can lay down on the bench while we wait for our mothers." I said. He nodded and laid down. Later on, our mothers arrived. "So, did you guys have fun?" Aphmau's mom asked. "We did, but I hit Zane in the eye on accident." I said. "Hahaha!" Our mothers all laughed. "Like the old times, right Zianna?" Mom asked Garroth's mom. "Old times?" I asked. "You mean, you don't remember? You were all childhood friends!" Mom said. "What?!" We all yelled. "Wait, you were those kids we played with? The girl in the red dress and the boy in the black jacket? And you were the one who hurt my baby brother before, the one with a ponytail? " Garroth asked. "Wait, you were the boys we played with before?" Aphmau asked. "So we really knew each other then." I said. "Yeah, but how come only (Y/N) and I were the only ones who remembered each other?" Daniel asked. "Well, Daniel, your mom works with us remember? We always kept in touch with each other." Mom said. In the end, our friendship was revealed. Could anything else happen?

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