~Chapter 2~ The Posse Defeated!

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Your POV

I was walking until I heard Ivy. "I don't see how Garrot will be interested in you, you're just a short potato." I put my hands in the pockets of my jacket and walk up to group. "The only potato I see here is you Ivy." I said. "Go away pup, it's not like you're supposed to be here." Ivy said. "So you're saying I can't be with my bestfriend? Do you want me to drive your friends away? Lily, Alex, did you know that Ivy is just using you?" I asked. "What?" Lily asked. "Haha, kidding. I don't want the potato to be alone. The pink potato who wants the prince. You know Ivy, stop bullying and Garroth might actually like you. Oh wait, nevermind." I said, walking away with Aph. "They were joking right? That was all they were doing, right?" Aph asked. "Oh, poor you. They weren't joking so I recommend you to stay away from them. If they walk up to you, walk away from them." I said. I go to homeroom and see Cadenza not here. Hmm... Where is she? I played games on my phone until I get messages. From the group? They forgot to PM... Better not to interrupt them. "Hey (Y/N)! Morning!" Cadenza said, going to her seat beside me. "Oh, hey Cadenza. How was Math yesterday?" I asked. "Oh, good! How was yours?"She asked. "I had Werewolf 101, as always." I said. "Why do you take those classes?" She asked. "Oh, I'm just interested in Werewolves, that's all." I said, playing games on my phone again. *ring* "It's first period already? Gosh, I was late." She said, causing me to chuckle. "I've got Creative Writing soo see you." I said, going to Creative Writing. I sat a seat away from Garroth. "Oh, good, he's not here yet. Now, I just gotta find a- Ah!" Aph squeaked. "Hey, it's you." Laurance said. "The little freshman from yesterday." Garroth said. "Are they talking to me?" Aph asked. "We're talking to you." Laruance said. "Did they read my mind?" Aph asked. "Aph, you're thinking aloud." I said. Aph screams in panic. "Well, why don't you seat our table?" Garroth asked. "Yeah Aph. Sit with us." I said, offering her the seat beside me. "I wonder where the teacher is." Garroth said. "2nd day of classes, Garroth. Maybe he isn't present. Besides, maybe we can have a free day for once." Laurance said. "So, you, what's your name?" Garroth asked Aph. "Huh? Me? I-I-It's A-A-A-Aphmau..." Aph stuttered. "What a unique name." Garroth said. "Thanks!" Aphmau said, shaking. "Why are you shaking? Are you freezing?" Laurance asked. "Maybe it's because she's sitting next to the hottest guys in the Sophomore class." Garroth said. "Then she wouldn't be shaking. If you guys are hot, then she might've collapsed from the heat by now." I smirk. "I doubt that." Garroth said as he winked at Aphmau. "Stop Garroth, you're gonna give her a heart attack." Laurance said. "So your names are Garroth and Laurance?" Aph asked. "So you have been paying attention to more than our looks." Garroth said. "Why wouldn't I? I-I mean it's rude not to listen to people when they're speaking." Aph said, making the 2 Sophomores laugh. "So was the guy from yesterday okay?" Garroth asked. "T-Travis? Yeah, he recovered fast actually."  Aph said. "Good to hear. What middle are you from? You too (Y/N)." Laurance asked. "I was homeschooled." Aph and I said simultaneously. I didn't want them to know I was from a military school.. I looked at the window as soon as I say pink. Let's just say, a pink potato was stalking us. They talked for a while as I listened to music. Travis was that guy's name huh? I knew he looked to familiar. He's a Valcrum! My family hates the Valcrum family for some reason. I just want to blend in. The bell rang and I went to Witchcraft. I sat down and watched my 2 friends fight. "*sigh* You guys can't go a day without trying to rip each other's throats out..." I said. "SO?" The 2 yelled. "Are you even supposed to be here?" Lucinda asked. "Well, it's on my schedule so deal with it until I get it changed!" Katelyn yelled. "Well, you don't have to yell at me Katelyn!" Lucinda yelled. "Well, I can yell at you if I want to! Gosh, I shouldn't have given you a another chance at being my BFF!" Katelyn yelled. "Hey. Are we the only the only ones here?" Aph asked. "What?!" The 2 yelled. "Oh, sorry. I never meant to stare, it's just that you guys were yelling so.." Aph said. "Oh, you're the freshman from yesterday. This is perfect." Katelyn whispered the last sentence. "What?" Aph asked. "Hahaha! Lucinda, this girl here is my new best friend!" Katelyn said. "Oh really? What's her name?" Lucinda asked. "Oh, her name? It's.. uh.." Katelyn said. "It's Aphmau. And you hit my friend yesterday with a volleyball and now you want me to be your bestfriend?!" Aph asked. "Oh what an imagination you have Aphpuguguga-what?" Katelyn asked. "So, person-who-obviously-hasn't-met-Katelyn, do you want me to be your bestfriend? I'll help you out in this class." Lucinda offered. "She's none of your bestfriends. Why are you guys fighting over her like she's a toy being fought over by a bunch of kids? Just so you know, she's is my best friend and I don't want people fighting over her." I said, pulling Aph beside me. A potion was thrown at the 2, turning them into cats. "Meow?" Cat-lyn asked. "Meow?" Lu-kitten-da asked. "I'm sorry little one.. They can just fight all day. And you, Ms. Dirus, you could've started yet another fight so stop it or you'll get detention. Since you all get along well, why not sit next to each other?" Ms. Hyria asked. "What?" Aph yelled. "Meow?!" The 2 cats meowed. The lesson goes on but since the 2 cats were fighting, we couldn't hear the lesson. It got worse since I'm a werewolf. "Argh! Just shut up you two!" I said. They ignored me and continued. I hate this! I wish this day was done!


I was walking to my next class until I hear someone fall in the Girls' Locker Room. Please don't be Aph... I entered and saw Aph about to push Ivy, I went in front of her and prevented her from pushing Ivy. "Aph, as much as we don't like Ivy, don't fight back. Call the teacher. Now go." I said. Ivy pushed me down. "That's what you get!" Ivy said. "For what?" I asked, getting up. "You were the one who made her sit beside Garroth Ro'meave." Ivy said, pushing me down again, making her friends laugh. Ms. Hyria and Aph came in. "What's going on here?" Ms. Hyria said. "Ivy pushed me down and these 2 didn't do anything to help me." I said. "Is this true Ivy?" Ms. Hyria asked. "No! She was the one who pushed me." Ivy said. "Then explain why she's on the floor while you're standing up well." Ms. Hyria said. "I'll tell you what happened Ms. Hyria. I heard someone in the Locker Room then someone fell, causing me to enter. I saw Aph on the floor while Ivy and her gang were there. I went in between Aph and the gang. I told Aph to go call a teacher while I stayed here. Ivy pushed me down twice while the other two just laughed." I explained. "Alright, Ivy, Alex, Lily, you have detention." I looked at them and saw them glaring at me. Ha! I got them. I went home happy that I got to get them and I went home peacefully.

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