~Chapter 9~ Slumber Party???

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Your POV

"And that's why class you should always make sure to mark your territory." Sir Gavin said. The bell rang. "Alright class, make sure to place your homework on my desk before leaving if you have it already. For now, class dismissed." Sir Gavin said. I walked out until Mr. Jerk came up to me. "Hey, did you do your homework?" He asked. "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. Why do you ask? I'm only being a bit nice because you're alpha." I said. "Well, I may or may not have wanted to copy it." He said. "I'm not sure if you're kidding or not but if you did, how irresponsible you are, Alpha. You didn't do the stupid homework." I said. "Loser says what?" He said. "I knew it.." I said. He  laughed smugly and walked off. I looked at my invitation. Hmm, Aph wants me to have a slumber party. What is a slumber party? I went home and packed what I thought was needed. Slumber is a synonym of sleep. I guess I'll pack some pajamas.  I packed 2 pairs of pajamas. A tooth brush and toothpaste. A comb. And all the other things I need. "(Y/N),  COME DOWN THIS INSTANT!" Mom yelled. I sweatdropped. I came downstairs and saw my mom looking very angry. "Why didn't you tell me?" She asked. "Tell you what?" I asked. "That you have a slumber party! I'm sure your things are ready, let me bring you to Aphmau's house." She said. "Okay. What do I do in a Slumber Party anyway?" I asked. "I'll tell you on the way. Now go change into your pajamas." She said so I ran upstairs and changed into my (F/C) pajamas. When I went downstairs, Mom dragged me into the car and drove me to Aph's house. When we I arrived, I pretty much learned what a slumber party is. "Ahh! (Y/N)!" Aph squealed, hugging me. "Hey. Please don't hug me too tight." I said. "Oh, sorry!" She let go. Our moms had a talk so Aph just showed me to her room. The girls were talking but I wasn't interested in the conversation so I just leaned on the wall. They were talking about Ivy, Garroth and Laurance. "Seriously guys, what do you see in Garroth and Laurance? They're pretty pathetic." I said. They ignore me until Kawaii~Chan mentions a ship. "Ships? What the heck are you guys talking about?!" I yelled. "Wait, you ship everyone at school Kawaii~Chan?" Aph asked. "She does?" I asked. "Yup! Even you Aphmau~Senpai and (Y/N)~San." KC said. "Really? Who do you ship me with?" Aph asked. "Garroth~Senpai." KC said. Aph starts daydreaming. "How about me?" I asked. "That scary guy Kawaii~Chan saw you with earlier!" KC said. "You mean Aaron?! You can't be serious!" I yelled. "Kawaii~Chan's totes serious!" KC said. There were flashbacks of all the times I was seen with Mr. Jerk. "I will never like that guy! I hate him!" I yelled. "Kawaii~Chan really ships you with him." KC said. I growled. "Now let's talk about that little freshman who has a crush on Katelyn." Lucinda said. "Oh no." Katelyn said. Katelyn's dad suddenly enters the room, acting like a girl. Katelyn becomes embarrassed. Zianna comes in  says something about Single Ladies. Sylvannah does the same, embarrassing Aph. I laugh at them until my mom enters too. "MOM!" I yelled. They all start dancing and the 2 embarrassed girls start dancing too. I only lean on the wall, amused by all of them dancing.

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