~Chapter 19~ Never Say 'Goodbye!', Better Say 'See You!'

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I looked at all the dresses my mother brought out for me. They were all mine but I never really wore them. I walked downstairs to see my mother basically screaming in the phone. "Mom?" I took a step back once my mom screamed in happiness. "I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!" I covered my ears in pain. "Mom, please be quiet. The neighbors will think you're crazy." I watched as my mom calmed down.

"They already think she's crazy." I looked behind me to see brother in a tuxedo. 

"You have prom too?"

"Nope. Just going to a dinner. With the Ro'meaves. Dad's busy so I have to fill in for him." 


"(Y/N)! Come on! Let's get you the perfect dress!" Mom dragged me upstairs to my room and made me try a bunch of dresses. This was going to take a while...


I was standing in front of the mirror, looking at my (F/C) dress. It's my favorite color so I can't hate it. It was already night time. All I had to wait for is- Oh, speak of the devil, he's here. I walked downstairs as I heard the door open. My eyes met with his. I start blushing at this handsome devil. He starts blushing too. "I see you're with him, eh?" Brother nudged me on the side. I rolled my eyes, trying not to make myself a tsundere. "(Y/N)." "Aaron." I walked down to him. He kissed my hand and I did a curtsy. "Wow, never thought Ms. Rebel here would curtsy." He smirked. "Never thought Mr. Delinquent would wear a tuxedo." I moved closer to him. He leaned in. But I pulled him outside, saying 'bye' to my brother. "So... Let's go?" He nodded and suddenly carried me bridal style. I squeaked, so unlike me. Aaron laughed at the squeak and ran to school. With the cold air in my face, I smiled. Once we arrived, we fixed ourselves and walked into the room. We sat down, waiting for music. "So.. How are you?" Aaron said, as he sips the drink he got a while ago. 

"I'm fine, just, shook." I rubbed my arms. 

"You okay?" I nod at him. He stood up and sat beside me. "Now seeing prom, I don't see why people make a big deal out of it." I looked at everyone dancing.

"If there was one thing I wanted to remember about highschool, it's you." I blushed. 

"Well, follow me." I pulled him all the way to the music room. "The music room?" I nodded. I took 2 guitars, one for me and one for him. "I want you to play." He shook his head. "No, I only took it seriously the last time. I can't." I rolled my eyes. "Fine, if you play the song last time, I'll play too." He scratched his nape. "Alright, just don't laugh when I make a mistake." I chuckled at him. He grabs the guitar and plays the song Eternity. (Vid up there!) "Aaron, remember when I said I was leaving tonight? Well, I don't wanna..." He looks at me sadly. "I'm guessing you already packed up." I nodded. "Well, I want to remember you. Please play?" I nodded once again, bringing up the guitar. "This is what I remember." (Vid down there.)

I burst out crying, so unlike of me. Aaron drops the guitar and pulls me into a hug. "I don't want to leave you." 

"You won't. I'll spend the summer with you and Shu, I promise."

"Don't go."

"I won't. Now, would you have this dance with me?" I looked up at him as he stood up. I took his hand and stood up as well. We started dancing with each other. "Is this goodbye?" I asked. "Never say 'Goodbye.' Better to say 'See you.'" I smiled at him. Of course he would say that. "Well, it's-" He cut me off with a kiss. I smiled into the kiss, before laughing. "This is nice. You know, mom's gonna kill us." He looked at me confused. "Mom's gonna kill us with her screams once she hears about this." He laughed at my reply. "I know.."

The end! To clear things up, Reader has to leave by this chapter. So she did all the finals earlier. That's why she can leave so early. I hope you guys enjoyed! Also, you realize that I always say 'See you later.', right? That's because it's true that it's better to say 'See you' than 'Goodbye.' Goodbye is like saying you'd never see each other or hear from each other anymore.  Saying 'See you' is like saying you're going to see each other sometime. Well, see you later!

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