~Chapter 12~ Aaron's 'Friend'

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Your POV

"I can't believe you turned into a werewolf at SCHOOL!" Dad yelled. "Dad, I-" I got cut off. "What was that?" He asked. "Uh, Sir, I told you, a meif'wa  turned me into a werewolf on accident. Our secret is safe!" I said. "What if you put someone under your control? Or worse, what if you KILL someone?" Dad asked. "I can control it!" I yelled, my eyes turning a dark grey color with a a glowing tint of red. "You cannot! If you look at someone with those eyes, you could put them under your control!" Dad said. "Then I'll learn how to!" I yelled. "No, you need to have no friends to keep our secret safe and to protect everyone around you. Now go to your room! You're grounded!" Dad yelled. I yelled in frustration and storm up the stairs. I enter my room and hit my head on my pillow. When will I be free from this curse? I don't want to be alone... But I don't want anyone to be hurt...


Ugh, I forgot how hungry I can get as a werewolf. I'll just finish this class and go home. Eat a bountiful or something. "Hey, are they dating?" The female werewolf asked. "I don't know, but she smells so much like him and they sit together." I didn't bother to listen because they're talking about me and Jerk. I don't see why they think that. "You're still wearing that?" I heard Jerk ask. "It's a potion. It'll wear off in a week so I have to stay like this." I said. "I think it looks stupid." He said. "Nobody asked for your opinion." I said. I felt him grab my tail . "Did you just grab my tail?" I asked, blushing a bit. "It's real?" He asked. "Yes it is!" I said. He grabbed my ears so I kicked him off his seat. "You don't just grab a werewolf's tail or ears! Basic knowledge! And I'm not a werewolf!" I said. "How am I supposed to know the ears and tail were real?" He asked. "Ask, like a decent person!" I said. "I did ask!" He said. "So why did you have to touch them when I already told you they're real?" I asked. "Whatever." He said. "This is another reason why nobody likes you and why you have no friends." I said. "I do have a friend! And she's nicer than you." He said. "Yeah, nice enough to lock me in your locker." I mumbled. "What?" He asked. "Nothing. Nothing." I said. Right on time, Sir Gavin arrived.


I went outside to see Aaron with Lily. Wait, that was the first time I actually called him that... Why? "Hi Aaron!" Lily said. "Hey." Jerk said. "Oh, it's you." Lily said. "Tch." I said. "Don't mind her. We have better things to do." Jerk said, leaving. "Wait Aaron!" Lily said, leaving too. Why? Why does my chest hurt? Must be because of what happened last night... Dad... I was walking away until I was pulled harshly. "Hey!" I yelled. "Calm down (Y/N)! It's me, Aph!" Aph said. "...oh..." I said. "We're going to help you!" Aph said. "I didn't know we were going to help her..." Travis said. "...Valcrum... Grrr..." I growled. "Dirus..." Travis said. "W-What's wrong?" Aph stuttered. "Sorry Aph, I don't trust this guy. The Valcrum and Dirus families have had a feud ever since the day my father was born." I said. "Oh... S-Sorry..." Aph said. "So,  uh, Aph, how are you going to turn me back into human?" I asked. "Travis here knows how. Right Travis?" Aph asked. "Yeah, whatever." Travis said. Aph elbowed Travis. "Yeah, yeah! Ow..." Travis said. Travis throws a potion at me and I was shocked. "YOU TURNED ME INTO A PUP!" I yelled. "Aww, little teeny tiny puppy!" Aph cooed. I growled, causing her to back up. "Oops! Here, this is it, I'm sure!" Travis panicked, throwing another potion. I got even angrier. "YOU TURNED ME INTO A FREAKING POTATO!" I yelled. "Sorry!" Travis yelled. "Hey, what's with the noise?" I saw Lucinda come in the room. "Lucinda! You better change me back into a human!" I growled. "(Y/N)? Where are you?" Lucinda asked. "Down here!" I yelled. "Wha- HAHAHA! What happened to you?" Lucinda asked. "It's the Valcrum's fault!" I yelled. "Hey! It was an accident!" Travis reasoned. "Alright... Here you go." Lucinda threw a potion at me. I got angrier than before. "You... turned me.... into a... CAT!" I yelled. "Sorry, I only have cat potions. Don't worry, this'll wear off in half an hour." Lucinda said. "Lucinda! I swear, I- Ooh... A mouse..." I stared at it, trying to resist the urge to catch and kill it. I couldn't resist anymore, I already tried catching it. I was chasing it. "Come back here!" I said. Could this day get even worse?

Wow, the writing streak killed me. God, I was worn out... Well, at least I got this chapter out! Well, what are you waiting for? Go read some other things! Imma write the other chapters! See you later guys!

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